
Trade War, Trade Peace

It started in January 2018. Trump hit China with a $53 billion tariff on steel and aluminum. Next, he hit…

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We’re coming to you from Prague and Berlin this week, where Elmira has dived deep into the importance of gender…

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The Iran Revolution Turns 40

Islamophobia started long before 9/11. It very well may have also pre-dated the Iranian revolution, which took place 40 years…

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Venezuela & Afghanistan: The Intervention Issue

“Afghanistan -> Welcome the talks. 5,000 troops to Colombia.” Those two lines, caught this past week on John Bolton’s yellow legal…

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The World According to the Rich and Famous

January has become synonymous with Davos. And Davos has become synonymous with elite status and power. Given the number of world leaders,…

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When do we see terrorism?

On Tuesday, January 15, militants belonging to Al-Shabaab, a Somali extremist group affiliated with al Qaeda, attacked a hotel and shopping…

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Let’s Make a Deal!

Happy 2019! It’s good to be back – and ready to interrupt. On that topic, expect to see a number…

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FP Interrupted: 2018 Book Edition

We’re keeping it short and closing out the year in FPI this week. We’ve got a quick review of what…

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FP Interrupted

Seeing Green. . . .

2,975 deaths from Hurricane Maria in September 2017 (but estimated to be about 4,500) 153,336 acres and 18,804 structures destroyed; 85 deaths…

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FP Interrupted

The G20 Summit – Argentina 2018

All eyes are on Buenos Aires this weekend. The leaders of the Group of 20 strongest economies, aka G20, (we’ve…

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FP Interrupted

Women & War, Peace, and Security

So, about that trope that national security and defense is a “man’s” issue (we see you GQ 👀). Last week’s midterms…

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FP Interrupted

Women Wave

There were a lot of firsts on Tuesday. A record number of women ran and won in elections across the…

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FP Interrupted

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being

Remember when we were all obsessed with the Russians and elections? #GoodTimes. Instead, as we go into Tuesday’s midterm elections…

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Khashoggi, the caravan, Brazil’s elections: The How will it end? edition

The Jamal Khashoggi saga has gripped our attention, much to Muhammad bin Salman’s (MBS) surprise – and chagrin. After cutting off…

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It’s All About the Benjamins

The only things missing were the back and knee slaps. Otherwise, it was all smiles and genteel banter on Tuesday…

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Thugs-я-Us: Growing Impunity

On October 10, 1957, Komla Gbedemah entered a Howard Johnson’s diner in Dover, Delaware. Gbedemah was the finance minister of…

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