Deep State RadioPodcasts

It’s the End of the Pax Americana, Y’all…Is It Time to Let Someone Else Drive the Global System?

In this episode of Deep State Radio our special guest Edward Luce of the Financial Times joins Georgetown’s Rosa Brooks, Stanford’s Kori Schake and the New York Times’ David Sanger to discuss what’s gone wrong in Anglo-American democracy, what’s gone remarkably right in France, why Rosa is still in Canada, and why it may be that it’s not just Trump that’s contributed to the end of the Pax Americana…it may be his whole damn baby boom generation (and the missteps of all the Boomer presidents from Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump.). Where this leads…and whether that might be a good thing are discussed and the whole thing leads Luce to use the word “parlous”–which elevates the discourse of Deep State Radio to new levels.

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