Deep State Radio Live

Good Question for the Next Debate: Do You Have a Son-in-Law and Will He Control Your Foreign Policy?

So, there was this war with Iran, remember? Then there wasn’t. Then there were cyberattacks. But what did they do?…

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R.I.P. “A Nation of Laws Not Men”, 1780-2019

In 1780 John Adams wrote “For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be…

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Targeter: A Conversation with Nada Bakos on the Past, Present and Future of Intelligence

Nada Bakos was a CIA targeter during the height of the War on Terror.  She has just completed a compelling…

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The Good News is Not Every Part of the Frog Has Been Boiled Quite Yet

From the potential for abuse associated with indictments like those handed down in the case of Julian Assange to the…

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The Threat Is Not War With Iran, It’s Right Here at Home

Trump talks tough. But like most bullies, he shies away from any real fight. The problem is talking tough increases…

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The President of the United States is a One Man Crime Wave

The Speaker of the House and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee have declared we are in a Constitutional Crisis. The…

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Still in Deep Doo Doo: The Only Mueller Report Podcast You’ll Ever Need

Sick of the Mueller Report tsunami of news and commentary? Zoning out on tepid hot takes from the usual suspects? Want to…

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Pilot Episode – Deep State Radio Live at the Comedy Cellar

Welcome to Deep State Radio Live at the Comedy Cellar.  The show streams live each Thursday from 5PM to 5:45…

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Deep State: State of The Union Live Broadcast

If you missed Deep State Radio’s live broadcast, don’t fret.  Listen to the full show now!

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Deep State Radio Live at the Comedy Cellar Election Night Special

Deep State Radio was Live at the Comedy Cellar on Election Night, 2018. The panel included David Rothkopf, Max Boot,…

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