DSR Politics

Democrats are on a Roll, MAGA is Circling the Drain. Will it Last?

The Democrats’ win in the New York special election is yet another example of over performing the polls. So why…

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How Does Biden Beat Trump–and Save America–in November?

Biden needs to win in November. Trump is growing even more unhinged as the election nears, and the danger he…

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Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts: A Conversation with Rachel Bitecofer

Democrats need to get serious about winning in 2024, and they need to hit the Republicans hard. Rachel Bitecofer joins…

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The 2024 Election Will Come Down to…You!

In this election, the most important campaigners are coming from outside of the political establishment. Democratic strategists Tara McGowan and…

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Dumbing Treason Down: The Minimization of the Crimes of Donald Trump

Long gone are the days when a scream could end a presidential campaign. In the age of Donald Trump, no…

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How Democrats Can Win (and Save Democracy) in 2024

Election year is finally here. 2024 will be pivotal, but how can we do our part to ensure the Democrats…

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Donald Trump’s Legal Dance Card is Full for 2024…Or Is It?

If you felt inundated by legal news in 2023, prepare for a deluge in 2024. Many of the cases involving…

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Truth, Lies, Hate & Social Media: How Leaders Should Lead in This Complex, Often Toxic Political Moment

In the age of social media, truth and lies are more intermixed than ever. What role can leaders across society…

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Give Your Kids the Gift of Democracy This Holiday Season

On this episode of Deep State Radio, host David Rothkopf discusses the latest polling with Simon Rosenberg. With the election…

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Naomi Oreskes: The Big Myth

“The freer the market, the freer the people” is one of corporate America’s favorite lines. Yet according to Naomi Oreskes…

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Biden’s Economic Miracle

The economy’s recovery under President Biden has been nothing short of a miracle. So what is the secret to his…

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The Good News in American Politics This Week

Democrats scored major victories across the country on Monday. From Ohio enshrining abortion to Democrats gaining control of Virginia’s House…

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AI as a Disinformation Game Changer

Governments worldwide are working to adapt to AI, including Biden’s executive order and a UK summit bringing together officials from…

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Nick Hanauer: Corporate Bullsh*t

America’s economic elites have always told lies to protect their own interests. “Corporate Bullsh*t”: a new book by Nick Hanauer,…

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Can Our Broken Congress Manage a Middle East on Fire?

Representative Seth Moulton (D-MA 6th) joins David Rothkopf for an exclusive one-on-one discussion on the recent dysfunction in Congress and…

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Exclusive Interview with Senator Chris Murphy on the Situation in the Middle East

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee subcommittee on the Middle East. In this exclusive one-on-one conversation,…

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Litman and McQuade Seek to Unravel the Tangled Legal Web Woven by Trump & His Lawyers

Every day there are new developments on multiple legal fronts for Donald Trump and the prosecutors that are seeking to…

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Guess What? The Good Guys are Winning (But Don’t Get Complacent)

The Democrats just keep winning. But why aren’t more people talking about it? Tara McGowan and Simon Rosenberg join us…

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Heather Richardson: Democracy Awakening

Heather Richardson’s new book, Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America, explores how a small group of wealthy people…

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David Corn: American Psychosis Revisited

The roots of the GOP’s MAGA madness go back many, many years. Author of “American Psychosis” David Corn joins David…

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