Deep State Radio – Full Member Version

It Pays to Have Friends Like NATO

Donald Trump loves to portray fellow NATO members as free-loaders. In reality, NATO is invaluable for the US and has…

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Democrats are on a Roll, MAGA is Circling the Drain. Will it Last?

The Democrats’ win in the New York special election is yet another example of over performing the polls. So why…

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How Does Biden Beat Trump–and Save America–in November?

Biden needs to win in November. Trump is growing even more unhinged as the election nears, and the danger he…

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“I Want to Grab Mike Johnson by the Lapels”

Mike Johnson and the MAGA Republicans are sacrificing Ukraine at the altar of Trump. The Republicans’ use of Ukraine aid…

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Trump Throws Europe to the Wolves

Donald Trump will throw Europe to the wolves, and he’s said so himself. The former president has said that he…

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More Money, More Missiles: A Look at the Sentinel Program

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a Pentagon program is over budget. The Sentinel ICBM program is envisioned…

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Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts: A Conversation with Rachel Bitecofer

Democrats need to get serious about winning in 2024, and they need to hit the Republicans hard. Rachel Bitecofer joins…

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Would Failing to Provide Ukraine Aid be the End of US Global Leadership?

Congressional Republicans are sacrificing Ukraine for the sake of sticking it to Biden. But failing to provide aid to a…

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The Looming Dramatic Worsening of the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The Israel-Hamas conflict has wreaked havoc on civilians in Gaza, but the worst may be yet to come. As international…

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Is the US-Iran Situation the Worst It Has Ever Been? 

Are tensions between Iran and the US the highest they’ve ever been? The conflict between Israel and Gaza is only…

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The 2024 Election Will Come Down to…You!

In this election, the most important campaigners are coming from outside of the political establishment. Democratic strategists Tara McGowan and…

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Will the 2024 Election Be the Last One Ever for…India?

The world’s largest democracy is in danger. Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist movement continues to erode the rights of Indian Muslims…

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From Hollywood with Love: What Makes for a Good Spy Movie?

Spy movies have been a staple of Hollywood for decades, but how many of them actually get it right? Spycraft…

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90 Seconds to Midnight: The Cogs of the Doomsday Clock

The Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight. But what actually goes into the decision to set the time,…

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Biden is Israel’s Most Popular Politician. How Should He Use That Influence?

Whereas Benjamin Netanyahu is struggling with flagging domestic support , Joe Biden is the most popular politician in Israel. As…

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The View from the Pentagon: What’s Next In the Mideast, Ukraine, on China and on AI?

Has the US response to attacks on our troops and ships, been adequate? Are the attacks against Houthis too little…

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Keeping Humans in the Nuclear Loop

Are we in danger of the nuclear loop being automated? As nuclear powers grapple with the advent of AI, questions…

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What Do You Do With a Problem Like Bibi?

Benjamin Netanyahu just can’t help but make trouble for the US. Netanyahu’s recent statements rejecting the idea of a two-state…

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What Can Be Done About the Growing US Domestic Terrorism Threat?

One of the greatest security threats the US faces comes from within. As we enter 2024, the threat of right-wing…

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Is the Chinese Nuclear Arsenal All Wet?

Recent reports from the DOD include surprising revelations about China’s nuclear arsenal. From components filled with water instead of fuel…

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