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America’s Soft Power Moment

As the war in Ukraine continues to drag on, it is unlikely that the West will get involved militarily.  Despite…

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Why Is Adam Schiff Making the President So Nervous? Transcript

Recording:  00:13 This is one of Deep State Radio’s briefs and debriefs. David Rothkopf:  00:26 Hello, and welcome to this…

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1-on-1 with Emy Shayo: It’s Bolsonaro’s Brazil Now…What Does That Mean for the Rest of Us?

J.P. Morgan’s Emy Shayo is one of Brazil’s most respected analysts.  With the election of right wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro to…

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1-on-1 with Mieke Eoyang: The Urgent Need to Rethink Cybersecurity

Cyber-risk is literally everywhere.  Everyone is vulnerable.  We have never faced such a challenge before.  And whereas the defense establishment…

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1-on-1 with David Sanger: It’s Been Quite a Week, Let’s Have a Drink…OK, Let’s Have a Few…

Remember way back when we were concerned with how the White House was planning on pulling out of yet another…

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1-on-1 with Fred Hochberg: The Future of Trade…There Are No Words

If the Democrats win in November, it may mean paralysis in Congress on a wide variety of issues.  But on…

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1-on-1 with Rula Jebreal: The Khashoggi Case and Its Aftershocks

Middle East scholar and commentator Rula Jebreal joins us for a frank discussion of where the case of the brutal…

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1-on-1 with Peter W. Singer: LikeWar the Weaponization of Social Media

Peter Singer, one of the most creative thinkers considering how technology is transforming the national security realm has a new…

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1-on-1 with Mieke Eoyang: The Nikki Haley Departure is Another Step Toward a Coming Big Shift in US Foreign Policy

Nikki Haley’s sudden resignation as US UN Ambassador was not just a shock to the foreign policy community.  It’s also…

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Max Boot: The Corrosion of Conservatism

Acclaimed author Max Boot has undergone a crisis of conscience since the arrival of Donald Trump. A life-long conservative who grew…

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This is one of deep State radios “Briefs and Debriefs.” David Rothkopf:  Hi, this is David Rothkopf. Welcome to another…

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Kavanaugh: It’s a Lose, Lose Proposition Now for the GOP

This is one of Deep State Radios “Briefs and Debriefs” David Rothkopf:  Hello, and welcome to one of Deep State…

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The Kavanaugh Saga: A Failure of Character

The Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination was considered a sure thing despite the fact the U.S. should never, ever, have…

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Kavanaugh: It\’s a Lose, Lose Proposition Now for the GOP

This is one of Deep State Radios “Briefs and Debriefs” David Rothkopf:  Hello, and welcome to one of Deep State…

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You’re So Vain, Russia, You Probably Think This NATO Song Is About You

It really gets under the skin of Atlantic Council national security expert Evelyn Farkas that people always push back on…

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Joe Cirincione: A Ray of Hope Out of North Korea?

Here in the Deep State we’re so used to the endless shitstorm of the past few years that sometimes we…

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Kavanaugh: It’s a Lose, Lose Proposition Now for the GOP

Brett Kavanaugh may soon be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  He may not be.  But two things…

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The Weaponization of Donald Trump’s Ego, Part Infinity

DSR Brief 1 (Jeffrey Lewis) This is one of Deep State Radios briefs and debriefs. David Rothkopf:  Hello, I’m your…

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The Weaponization of Donald Trump\’s Ego, Part Infinity

DSR Brief 1 (Jeffrey Lewis) This is one of Deep State Radios briefs and debriefs. David Rothkopf:  Hello, I\’m your…

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