National Security Magazine

Will Trump’s Efforts to End “Forever Wars” End Up Undermining Lasting Peace?

Donald Trump has promoted a foreign policy that seeks to reverse or undermine many of the lasting tenets of post…

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Will Trump\’s Efforts to End \”Forever Wars\” End Up Undermining Lasting Peace?

Donald Trump has promoted a foreign policy that seeks to reverse or undermine many of the lasting tenets of post…

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A Turning Point in the Impeachment Investigation: Is the End for Trump Nearing?

As every day brings new testimony from former members of the Trump Administration that confirms there was widespread acknowledgment that…

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The Biggest National Security Threat We Face is President Trump: A Conversation with Secretary Leon Panetta

Few Americans in our history have had such wide-ranging and distinguished careers as Leon Panetta.  A former Secretary of Defense,…

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A Conversation with General Michael Hayden – Transcript

Today, David Rothkopf had the pleasure of speaking with General Michael Hayden.  Here is the transcript of that conversation, available…

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The Impeachment Investigation Kicks Into Gear: A Newsmaker Conversation with Rep. Ted Lieu

Today the House Judiciary Committee announced the new guidelines for its impeachment investigation.  We are joined on this special edition…

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We Are Not Prepared for Today’s Global Threats…or Tomorrow’s

In a far reaching and incisive conversation with Michael Morell, former Acting Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Director of…

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We Are Not Prepared for Today\’s Global Threats…or Tomorrow\’s

In a far reaching and incisive conversation with Michael Morell, former Acting Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Director of…

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Attention Planet Earth: Listen to this Pod and Learn What the Next US Presidency Will Be Like

The day after Donald Trump leaves office in January 2021 (as we’ll assume for the sake of argument and/or sanity…

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A Conversation with General James Clapper: Priorities for an Intel Community in Flux

General James Clapper was both the Director of National Intelligence and the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, one of…

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Are We on a Slippery Slope Toward Authoritarianism…and Can the “Deep State” Save Us?

On this edition of National Security Magazine we have an in-depth discussion with former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin about…

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Are We on a Slippery Slope Toward Authoritarianism…and Can the \”Deep State\” Save Us?

On this edition of National Security Magazine we have an in-depth discussion with former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin about…

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The Back Channel: A Conversation with America’s Most Distinguished Diplomat About the Past & Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

Ambassador Bill Burns is one of the most distinguished US diplomats of the past 50 years.  In a wide ranging…

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The Back Channel: A Conversation with America\’s Most Distinguished Diplomat About the Past & Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

Ambassador Bill Burns is one of the most distinguished US diplomats of the past 50 years.  In a wide ranging…

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Sen. Chris Murphy: From the Middle East to the Southern Border What We Need Most is New Leadership

Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut has since entering the U.S. Senate in 2013 emerged as one of its leading voices…

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Natasha Bertrand: This Is Only the End of the Beginning of the Trump-Russia Saga

Few journalists have so distinguished themselves in their coverage of the Trump-Russia investigations as has Natasha Bertrand, staff writer for…

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Amb. Tim Roemer: Is Our Most Neglected Big Power Relationship with India? And What’s Ahead for Democrats in 2020?

America and India are entering a rough patch in the relationship between the world’s two biggest democracies.  Trade issues are at…

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Amb. Tim Roemer: Is Our Most Neglected Big Power Relationship with India? And What\’s Ahead for Democrats in 2020?

America and India are entering a rough patch in the relationship between the world’s two biggest democracies.  Trade issues are at…

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Amb. Michael McFaul: The View from a Point In US-Russia Relations No One Could Have Envisioned

Five years ago, the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine began.  That was followed by the annexation of Crimea, US and…

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Stephen Walt on Why Less is More in the Middle East and Where Donald Trump Has (Accidentally) Gotten It Right

Once upon a time Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer wrote a blockbuster book called “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign…

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