New Voices

The Best Case Scenario At The UN: An Ambassador of Stagecraft

On Friday, President Trump nominated Ambassador Kelly Knight Craft to become the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. In the…

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Could China’s Resurgence Galvanize the United States?

In a recent column that U.S. policymakers and observers should consider closely, Financial Times columnist Janan Ganesh posits that a…

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A Different Kind of Choice for a Voter – The Conversation

Thanksgiving Day, my wife and I called a family meeting.  She started by announcing that we were adopting a child…

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Weighing the Value of a US Led International Order

I’ve spent the past several days thinking about a recurring theme that showed up in the three or four most…

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Electoral Cyber-Shenanigans: Considering the Possibilities

With the US midterm elections tomorrow, Americans must consider whether and how Russian interests might again use cyber tools against…

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A Different Kind of Choice for a Voter

The idea did not surface immediately following the 2016 election.  Nor was it influenced solely by the election.  What was…

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Who Is Going to Listen

My introduction to foreign policy was the fortunate coincidence that one of my best friends is the son of immigrants.…

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International Day of the Girl Child: Raising Up The Next Generation of World Changers

Tomorrow is the International Day of the Girl Child, an opportunity to support the work of organizations across the globe helping…

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The Search for New Voices: An Expanded Mission for Deep State Radio

Over the past 16 months, Deep State Radio has grown thanks to the engagement and energy of our audience worldwide. …

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