We’re All Going to Die Radio

It Pays to Have Friends Like NATO

Donald Trump loves to portray fellow NATO members as free-loaders. In reality, NATO is invaluable for the US and has…

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More Money, More Missiles: A Look at the Sentinel Program

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a Pentagon program is over budget. The Sentinel ICBM program is envisioned…

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Is the US-Iran Situation the Worst It Has Ever Been? 

Are tensions between Iran and the US the highest they’ve ever been? The conflict between Israel and Gaza is only…

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90 Seconds to Midnight: The Cogs of the Doomsday Clock

The Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight. But what actually goes into the decision to set the time,…

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Keeping Humans in the Nuclear Loop

Are we in danger of the nuclear loop being automated? As nuclear powers grapple with the advent of AI, questions…

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Is the Chinese Nuclear Arsenal All Wet?

Recent reports from the DOD include surprising revelations about China’s nuclear arsenal. From components filled with water instead of fuel…

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The Year Ahead (and the Year Just Past) in AI

AI blew up in 2023. But will it blow us up in 2024? AI experts Karen Hao and Paul Scharre…

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It’s Much Easier Than You Think for a Lunatic President to Blow Up the World

As if there weren’t enough reasons to worry about a second Trump term, Jon has reminded us of another reason…

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Peering Through the Nuclear Doom and Gloom

Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have not been shy about their nuclear arsenal. But how worried should we be that…

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Imagine a Military Targeting Bot with the Instincts of Henry Kissinger

As AI develops, it will take a more significant role in foreign policy and conflict. Will it serve as a…

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How Close Are We to Having a Bot With It’s (Virtual) Finger on the Nuclear Button?

Between AI, nuclear weapons, and conflicts around the world, there’s more than enough to be worried about. Fortunately, we have…

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Should We be More Terrified of Bioweapons in the Age of AI?

While nuclear weapons have been dominating headlines, there is reason to be just as concerned about bioweapons.  China, Russia, and…

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The AI Executive Order… Good Start or Not So Much?

The Biden administration’s new executive order is a significant step to regulate AI in the US. With a pressing need…

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Are We Entering a New Nuclear Arms Race?

With Russia conducting an unprecedented nuclear strike drill, China significantly expanding its arsenal, and the US unveiling a new nuclear…

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Russian Nuclear Moves and a New Era of Nuclear Danger?

While the wars in Ukraine and Israel have been dominating headlines, there have also been rumblings about an interest in…

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A Recipe for Disaster: Escalation Scenarios for the Middle East

The escalation in Israel’s war with Hamas would have profound effects on the region and the global community. Kim Ghattas…

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A Unsettling Conversation with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi

On a very special episode of We’re All Going to Die Radio, Jon sits down with the Director General of…

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Nuclear 3 Dimensional Checkers in the Middle East

It turns out that peace in the Middle East is harder than it sounds. Between the elusive peace deal between…

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Prelude to Skynet: How Worried Should We Be About AI?

Will our AI apocalypse look like Skynet? Paul Scharre, Executive Vice President and Director of Studies at CNAS, joins David…

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What Did Nuclear Weapons Experts Think of the Movie Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer’s success has pushed nuclear weapons back into the public consciousness. Experts Alex Wellerstein and Heather Williams join David and…

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