
Deep State Daily: DoJ\’s China Initiative & White House Ponders Extraditing Gulen

November 16, 2018

Stories We\’re Watching

White House considers extraditing Fethullah Gulen to ease pressure on Saudis as Bipartisan Senate bill targets Saudis for Khashoggi & Yemen

The White House is considering the extradition of Fethullah Gulen to allay Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s daily assault on Saudi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the Khashoggi murder and coverup. Gulen is a Turkish spiritual leader, US Green Card holder, and former Erdogan ally. President Erdogan has sought his extradition since their relationship soured over the 2013 Gezi Park Protests and has blamed Gulen for the failed coup in 2016. Meanwhile, in the US Senate, six senators have introduced a bill that does the just the opposite of an extradition. The bill seeks to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for their actions in Yemen and in the Khashoggi case.

Prime Minister Theresa May’s Government Likely to Face a No Confidence Vote

After suffering numerous setbacks since Wednesday’s announcement of a draft Brexit deal, PM Theresa May now faces calls for a vote of no confidence and market turbulence. Yesterday, as Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and other ministers resigned over the deal, the pound sterling fell nearly 2% against the US dollar and euro–the most volatile swing since the Brexit referendum in June 2016. The 500+ page draft deal is yet to pass the House of Commons, and many speculate that it may never do so given the vague customs zone terms. The draft allows for the UK to remain in the EU’s customs union indefinitely, which Brexiteers are unlikely to back.

Bolsonaro appoints climate change denier Ernesto Araújo as foreign minister

Brazil’s president-elect Bolsonaro has announced via twitter the appointment of Ernesto Araújo, far-right politician and blogger, as Brazil’s foreign minister—the country’s top post. Bolsonaro’s campaign pledges to rollback rainforest and indigenous rights protections have alarmed environmentalists and indigenous communities living in the Amazon rainforest. The appointment of a climate change denier has stoked those criticisms. Residents fear that such policies will bring unrest to the Amazon region. Bolsonaro’s other appointees have no less controversial; two weeks ago he appointed Sergio Moro as Minister of justice.

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US Hits Back at China’s Espionage Operations with DoJ\’s ‘China Initiative’

After indicting several Chinese firms over alleged economic espionage, the US Department of Justice plans to launch a ‘China Initiative’. Citing rapid increases in the already-rampant theft of American intellectual property, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed to “Develop an enforcement strategy concerning non-traditional collectors (e.g., researchers in labs, universities, and the defense industrial base) that are being coopted into transferring technology contrary to U.S. interests.” In the official DoJ release, Assistant Attorney for National Security, John C. Demers, added: “China wants the fruits of America’s brainpower to harvest the seeds of its planned economic dominance.”

Too Little Too Late: Finally a Khmer Rouge Genocide Verdict

Earlier today, in a UN-backed, international tribunal, two former leaders of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge regime were convicted of genocide. To date, these are the only verdicts delivered in relation to the Khmer Rouge’s 1970’s genocide of Cambodians. Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime is responsible for the slaughter of millions of ‘intellectuals’ in an attempt to create an idealized agrarian society. Conservative estimates put the number of killed at just over two million. Regional experts highlight disruptive effects and challenges to trust building which stem directly from failing to hold Khmer Rouge leadership accountable.

Botched Israeli Undercover Mission Fallout: Israel headed for early elections

On Sunday Israel will set a date for early elections following a series of events triggered by Sunday’s botched Israeli undercover mission in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu faces increased criticism over his handling of the Gaza events. On Wednesday, Israel Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigned over the Gaza ceasefire, leaving PM Netanyahu with a one seat lead in Israel’s Knesset Assembly. Since then, PM Netanyahu’s coalition partners have called for early elections, which analysts say he is likely to win.

From Deep State Radio


No one who has worked for any length of time in or around Silicon Valley was under the illusion tech companies were somehow more enlightened than old school corporations, ping pong tables and lap pools aside. But it is clear. Greed and surpassing arrogance have long run rampant. Continue


Genetic tests and databases are increasingly under fire for privacy violations and racial biases. Researchers lament that some disease-risk tests don’t work at all on Asians, Hispanics, or Black Americans. Others have accused companies like 23andMe of fueling and profiteering off tests to ‘prove’ racial supremacy. A new tech startup, Nebula Genomics, will give away free genome reports if users answer…  CONTINUE IN THIS WEEK\’S *NEW* DEEPTECH


So, about that trope that national security and defense is a “man’s” issue (we see you GQ ?). Last week’s midterms in the U.S. blew that out of the water. Among the record number of women coming into Congress this January, many also happen to be national security and defense experts. READ MORE

Consider helping Jeff and his family, who lost everything in the Woolsey fire.  Click here to visit their GoFundMe page.


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