
Deep State Daily: Ivanka Trump’s National Security Problem & Interpol’s Next President

Stories We’re Watching

Bill Browder on Russian Interpol candidate: ‘most inappropriate’

Interpol officials arrived in Dubai over the weekend to elect a new president following the disappearance of Meng Hongwei, the agency’s former president. Critics have warned that the  candidacy of the presidential front-runner, Alexander V. Prokopchuk (a Russian police officer), was part of a Kremlin assault on the international order. In addition to selecting a new president, Interpol members will decide on admitting Kosovo as a full member, which would allow officials in Pristina to file “red notices” for individuals that Kosvars consider war criminals. Many fear Kosovars could use this to go after Serbs, which would draw the ire of Russia. Yesterday, Russian prosecutors announced new criminal charges against Bill Browder, an American-born, UK-based critic of Moscow. Browder has accused Russia of politicizing Interpol to go after critics of the Kremlin abroad.

Saudi Crown Prince to Attend G20 Summit in Argentina amid Prince Ahmed’s Return

Despite continued international pressure over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is still on the list of attendees to the upcoming G20 summit in Buenos Aires later this month. Some analysts see the crown prince’s attendance as a deliberate challenge to the international community, especially since Saudi has sent relatively lower-ranking officials to previous G20 summits. Yesterday, in his annual address to the Kingdom’s Shura Council, Saudi King Salman praised Saudi public prosecutors, lambasted Iran’s nuclear program and Palestine, lamented oil market instability, and offered support for the ending the conflict in Yemen. Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, the King Salman’s younger brother, arrived to Riyadh from London last month, drawing speculation that MBS’s claim to the throne may not be absolute.

Lock Her Up? Ivanka Trump’s National Security Problem

A White House investigation into Ivanka Trump’s correspondence has revealed that for nearly all of last year she used a personal email address to communicate with federal government employees and cabinet officials. Using a domain shared with Jared Kushner, Ivanka is said to have mixed personal and business correspondence, possibly in violation of ethics and security regulations. Security experts are questioning the link between Ivanka’s permanent security clearance and her use of a private email address, which is in violation of US security requirements.

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US Judge Blocks Trump Asylum Restrictions

Yesterday a US District Judge Jon Tigar issued a temporary nationwide restraining order against the Trump administration’s asylum policy announced earlier this month. Citing ‘an overwhelmed immigration system, President Trump sought to deny asylum to migrants who didn’t cross the border at legal checkpoints. The restraining order is set to last until mid-December, when a more comprehensive hearing is expected to take place. Previous immigration policies of the Trump administration have faced similar legal obstacles.

North Korea Blows Up 10 Guard posts to Ease Tensions along Border with South

Earlier today North Korea blew up ten of its own front-line guard posts along the Demilitarized Zone as as part of an agreement to ease tensions along its border. The move follows a reciprocal detonation of guard posts by South Korea as part of the ongoing reconciliation between the two nations. As part of September’s summit meetings, each side agreed to dismantle 11 posts by the end of November and to disarm a shared border village. US security officials have insisted on an ‘all-or-nothing’ approach to denuclearization and have continued to  show concern over North Korea’s lack of progress.

Tech Firms Leading Market Crash  

Turmoil in the US tech sector is fueling similar slumps in Asia. US Stocks continued to slide today following loses by software firms and semiconductor manufacturers. Major US indices are now at risk of erasing this year’s bull market gains. Stocks in Asia and cryptocurrencies have taken similar blows. Bitcoin and Ethereum’s price plunge pushed cryptocurrency markets to losses exceeding $60B in value in less than a week. This week’s market turbulence follows global fluctuations in oil price and speculation of oversupply.

From Deep State Radio


The on-going assault by Trump on the rule of law takes many forms. You have the glaring attacks–obstruction of justice, illegal appointing an attorney general to protect the president, undermining due process for immigrants, attacking the First Amendment.
You have the sotto voce support for criminals and thugs–like actively working to assist the Saudi royal family in the cover-up of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi or embracing and celebrating other enemies of justice from Putin to Kim to Erdogan to Duterte. CONTINUE


It’s Thanksgiving weekend in the USA.  It’s a warm, friendly, family holiday provided that a.) your family does not discuss politics, b.) your unhinged uncle does not drink too much and c.) the indoor deep-fryer does not burn the whole house down.  Maybe you’ll go to a class reunion.  Those are always…terrible.  Or, alternatively, maybe you’ll do what you did on prom night…stay home alone.  Except this time you’ll have Rosa Brooks, Emily Brandwin and Maggie Feldman-Piltch to join you and they’ll be talking about what’s right with the world and what they’re thankful for.  They will, that is, just as soon as they get their own awful high school experiences off their chests.  Join us!

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