
Deep State Daily – New Voices

October 10, 2018

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From Deep State Radio


Tomorrow is the International Day of the Girl Child, an opportunity to support the work of organizations across the globe helping to increase girls’ access to education and promote human rights. As you contribute to the empowerment of girls worldwide, you can also use this day to make an impact at home.

Whether your daughter is in elementary school or starting to think about choosing a college, it’s a good time to encourage her to become a world changer.

Long before the Trump presidency, there was an ongoing discussion about women’s representation in foreign policy. Today, it’s even more important.

As far back as I can remember, I wanted to work in foreign policy. Over the years, I had the opportunity to work with some of the best and the brightest in the U.S. government, from the Treasury Secretary to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

But today’s girls face a different political environment.  Read More

Tomorrow’s Podcast Today:  Values, I’ll Show You Values. . .How Much Will You Pay Me to Set Aside My Values?

Values matter.  Well, at least the appearance of having values matter.  Well, at least they always did until Donald Trump came along.  Now, around the world foreign leaders know that the US is in it for whatever Donald Trump thinks is best for Donald Trump.  Our panel of Kori Schake, Kelly Magsamen and Max Boot discuss what that means from North Korea to China, from attacks on members of the press to climate change.  Tune in for a great discussion.  Listen


The Kavanaugh nomination process has been a travesty.  In fact, in the words of Woody Allen’s great old comedy “Bananas” it has been “a travesty of a mockery of a sham.”  The first travesty was nominating such a political hack with such extremist views.  The mockery was a process that was more of a cover up than it was a normal hearing process–from denying the release of 90 percent of his papers to the absurdly narrow show-investigation of the past week.  The sham, of course, was approving him.  The GOP thinks it has now placed its second hard-right judge in a lifetime appointment on the court.  But have they miscalculated?  Will the rage of women voters produce a blue wave that ultimately leads to Kavanaugh’s impeachment?  That would be, from the perspective of Deep State Radio Host David Rothkopf, the only true justice that this process has produced.  Listen to his take.  Listen

Stories We’re Watching

Jamal Khashoggi: Still Missing

The plot thickens–Yesterday Saudi officials allowed Turkish authorities to search the Istanbul Saudi Consulate. Neither Khashoggi nor the CCTV security tapes were found. Since yesterday’s search, Turkish officials have concluded (1) that the highest offices of the Saudi royal court ordered the assassination of Khashoggi and (2) that Khashoggi was dismembered by a 15 person team of international hitmen. Turkish authorities have named 15 Saudi suspects in the case. The Saudis maintain no involvement in Khashoggi’s disappearance, and Saudi ambassador to Washington, Khalid bin Salman, has expressed his concern for Khashoggi’s safety.

Easy Targets: GAO report finds nearly all US weapons vulnerable to Cyberattack 

If only the internet were a good old fashioned series of tubes–The US Government Accountability Office released a report to the US Senate’s Committee on Armed Services on Tuesday. The report outlines how the US Department of Defense has failed to protect critical weapons systems from cyberattacks. The report acknowledges the modest improvements over the years, but concludes that the Pentagon has “not made weapon cybersecurity a priority.”

(Former) Ambassador Haley: Still no replacement

Speculation Abounds–Reactions to Ambassador Haley’s resignation & evaluations of her job performance have been mixed. Some have lauded her ability to work with the seemingly erratic demands of the Trump Administration, and others have lambasted her as an enabler. China has praised Ambassador Haley’s ability to foster ongoing dialogue amid increasing US-China tensions. Performance evaluations aside, little is known about her successor or her post-UN plans. Some have speculated Ambassador Haley will run in the 2020 US presidential elections. The trending, speculative successors are Dina Powell (President Trump’s former Deputy National Security Advisor) and Ric Grenell (US Ambassador to Germany).

IPCC report fallout: Reactions to landmark IPCC report 

Winter is coming, but not for long–Reactions to the latest IPCC report range from outright dismissal to somber acceptance. Australia had previously pledged $200M to the UN’s Green Climate Fund. Just before the IPCC report was released, Australia’s PM reversed course. Australia has been called on to do more to help their poorer neighbors deal with the effects of climate change & rising sea levels.  Nordic firms have taken the opposite stance: Swedish and Finnish firms have called for tougher regulations to meet the 1.5℃ target. President Trump has yet to comment (or tweet) at length about the report, but has called into question the credentials of the 91 expert scientists. Some US-based economists have argued that the report rests on fundamental flaws in economic reasoning.

Indonesia rejects foreign aid after devastating tsunami

Indonesia has refused foreign aid and has called off all searches for survivors in the wake of the devastating earthquake & tsunami 2 weeks ago. Over 2,000 individuals have officially been declared dead, and 70K have been displaced. Despite widespread devastation in one of the country’s poor, Indonesian officials have ordered some foreign NGOs to leave. Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry released a statement today stating that their decision to reject foreign aid is based on a desire to streamline, coordinate & monitor international volunteers. The death toll is expected to rise as universities & primary schools resume classes: absent students are to be presumed deceased. UNICEF has warned that children separated from their families remain at high risk for violence, sexual exploitation & human trafficking.

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