
Deep State Daily: North Korea Builds Long-Range Missile Base, OPEC & Russia Mull Cuts

December 6, 2018

Stories We’re Watching

Yemen Peace Talks Begin With Agreement to Free 5,000 Prisoners

Both sides  in Yemen’s protracted violent conflict, the Houthi rebels and a Saudi-led coalition loyal to President Hadi, agreed to a prisoner exchange which will involve up to 5,000 detainees. Representatives started peace talks in Sweden this week with an aim to end the ongoing violence which has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of civilians. Representatives are set to discuss reopening the Sana airport. Analysts say that the Saudi blockade of the airport has pushed millions to the brink of famine.

China demands release of Huawei CFO from Canada, casting more doubt on trade war truce

China has demanded that Canada release Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou. Wanzhou was arrested for violating Iran sanctions and faces extradition to the US. Analysts fear the arrest could further complicate the US-China trade dispute.The US Commerce Department has released data showing that the US trade deficit reached $55.5B in October, the highest level since 2008.

Theresa May rejects cabinet pleas to postpone Brexit vote

British Prime Minister Theresa May has kept to Tuesday’s scheduled Brexit vote despite pleas from ministers for a delay. The decision comes amidst yesterday’s release of legal advice which warned that, as it currently stands, May’s Brexit Deal could keep the UK in the EU indefinitely due to the Irish Backstop issue. give whips more time to win over wavering MPs or to reach out to Brussels for further concessions. Cabinet ministers have urged PM May to delay Tuesday’s Commons vote in order to shore up more domestic support and to secure further concessions from Brussels.

OPEC waiting for Russia before deciding how much oil to cut

Earlier today OPEC agreed to oil output cuts but are waiting on Russia’s input before finalizing the exact volumes. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak flew back to the Kremlin from Vienna and is scheduled to return tomorrow for further discussions. Crude prices has fallen by a third since October and President Trump has called on OPEC to refrain from output cuts to further reduce oil prices.

Satellite Images Show North Korea Missile Base Expansion, Bolton Reconfirms North Korea-US summit

North Korea has developed two long-range missile sites in a remote part of the country. Weapons experts warn that the bases appear capable of launching nuclear warheads that could reach the US. After analyzing new commercial satellite imagery, researchers claim to see clear signs that the bases were upgraded since President Trump met with North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in September. National Security Advisor John Bolton has reconfirmed a meeting between the two leaders but has not yet set a date.

American Remembers George H W Bush

The late President George H.W. Bush was remembered yesterday during a ceremony in Washington DC. President Bush’s single term presidency is remembered for its transition out of the Cold War and into the Persian Gulf war as well as environmental and civil rights legislation. President Bush was also the last American president to have served in active combat. President Trump joined the mourners at yesterday’s service, but did not interact with his presidential peers or participate in the religious aspects of the funeral.

From Deep State Radio


When TV Writer Nell Scovell wrote her now famous tell all expose in Vanity Fair about the behind the scenes exploits at Late Night with David Letterman, some thought it would ruin her career. But, the essay–a critical moment on the path to our “Me Too” era– didn’t end her career, she thrived.  Nell went on to write jokes for President Obama at the White House Correspondence Dinner, for some of television’s top comedies and she was the co-author of “Lean In” with Sheryl Sandberg. On this episode of “Washington for Beautiful People,” Nell and Emily chat about the WHCD, Michelle Wolff, Bernie Bros and Bernie’s wrinkled suits, MeToo, toupees and dream 2020 candidates. Join us for a hilarious and thought-provoking conversation.


We can debate the policy and personal successes and failures of George H.W. Bush but there is no question that his example stands in stark contrast to that of America’s current president and many in the generation of political leaders around him.  The question is: Was Bush the last of a breed?  Did something change a quarter century ago when he left the presidency?  Did it change even earlier?  And are those changes–many that have produced today’s disfunction–permanent or can our system reverse them?  Rosa Brooks of Georgetown Law, Ed Luce of the Financial Times, attorney and former prosecutor Katie Phang and former CIA operative Emily Brandwin discuss.  Join us.


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