
Deep State Daily – Pence Asserts that China Does Not Like Donald Trump

October 4, 2018

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From Deep State Radio


Today, Vice President Mike Pence made a speech in which he asserted that China does not like Donald Trump, that it wants a new president, and so it has launched an offensive that makes Russia’s 2016 attack on our elections “pale by comparison.”  He offered no concrete new evidence of such a Chinese onslaught and the cynical observer (anyone with a functioning brain who has been in Washington for more than about an hour and a half) might conclude that Pence’s goals had less to do with national security or even a specific Chinese threat than it does to do with politics.

By singling out China, Pence seeks to achieve two goals. First, he wants to intensify the focus on Chinese as a bogeyman for this administration and its base.  Trump runs by identifying threats and bad guys. It’s a standard play for demagogues everywhere.  It works especially well with a Trump base that seems live on anger and the Tweets that fuel it.  In 2016, Mexicans and refugees from Islamic countries and of course, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, were the bogeypersons.  This year, the new targets seem to be the #MeToo movement and the Chinese. Not that Trump and Pence are giving up on the old favorites.  And also not that going after women and in particular feminists and the Chinese was not part of the formula a couple years ago.  It’s just a matter of shifting emphasis.  Read More

Podcast:  Second Verse Same as the First

Most of Deep State Radio’s cutting edge, youthful listeners are probably too young to remember the song the title references (“Mrs. Brown You Had a Lovely Daughter” by Herman’s Hermits).  But so were all of us at Deep State Radio.  We’re just very well educated.  No, seriously.  Except David. Who actually remembers it.  Poor old guy.  Anyway…the title refers to Donald Trump’s New-Improved-Yuge-Better-Than-Ever NAFTA which he has rebranded the USMCA (pronounced Us-Muck-Uh.)  But what it really is the old NAFTA with a new paint job.  Still, it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye (or the collapse of the old NAFTA). The only question is what does it mean for the future of US trade policy—especially with China and the EU.  Our panelists including the Financial Times’ Ed Luce, IISS’ Kori Schake, Georgetown University’s Rosa Brooks and the Atlantic Council’s Evelyn Farkas discuss.  Join us!.  Listen


In a bold move taken directly out of the diplomatic playbook of an 8 year-old, the United States terminated a 1955 treaty with Iran that had all the real world consequences of a little kid taking his ball and going home after a game of kick-ball had stopped going his way.  Given that the U.S. and Iran have had hostile relations since 1979 and the taking of American hostages in that country, the 1955 treaty had had precious little effect on the overall arc of US-Iranian relations for approximately 40 years.

The move came because the Iranians had cited the treaty in a case they won at the International Court of Justice this week seeking an order to lift sanctions on humanitarian goods to China.  Pompeo asserted that the old treaty had been often-violated and that the Iranians were simply angry that the U.S. had unilaterally pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal (which, of course, the U.S. had done).  Read More

Stories We’re Watching

Netherlands Thwarts Russian Hacking

FBI Indicts Seven Russians

Pence Speech Today

Iran, US, ICJ and the 1955 Treaty

Additional Coverage of the US decision to end the 1955 Treaty of Amity with Iran.

Kavanaugh Updates

The FBI report on sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh have been turned over and reviewed by the Senate Judicial Committee.  

UK Accuses Russia of Cyber-Attacks, Election Interference

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