
Deep State Daily: Pence Champions Human Rights, Abe & Putin Discuss Peace Treaty, & More

November 14, 2018

Stories We’re Watching

U.S. Faces Dire National Security Crisis, says National Defense Strategy Commission

In a report released earlier today, the bipartisan National Defense Strategy Commission warns that: “The US military could suffer unacceptably high casualties and loss of major capital assets in its next conflict.” The report outlines how the US military is losing its competitive advantages could lose a war against Russia or China. The Commission urges the Trump administration to invest more into keeping up with the Chinese and Russian militaries and warns that the US runs the “risk of being overwhelmed should its military be forced to fight on two or more fronts simultaneously.”

Kelly, Nielsen, & Ricardel on the way out? Melania Trump issues unprecedented call for removal of national security aide

In an email sent to reporters yesterday, a spokesperson for First Lady Melania Trump issued a call for the removal of Mira Ricardel, a deputy national security advisor to John Bolton. The call comes amid reports that the Trump White House has grown increasingly paranoid over the loyalty of appointees. President Trump is also said to be considering the replacement of Chief of Staff John Kelly and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

Botched Israeli Undercover Mission Fallout: Defense Minister Resigns

Earlier today Israel’s defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, announced his resignation from the coalition government led by Benjamin Netanyahu in protest over a ceasefire with Gaza militants. Lieberman is known for his promotion of aggressive Israeli policies in Gaza. In a press conference announcing his decision, Mr. Lieberman stated: “We are buying short-term peace at the price of long-term national security” and called yesterday’s truce with Hamas “a capitulation to terror”. His resignation could trigger early elections.The current violence erupted Sunday after an Israeli undercover mission in Gaza was exposed.

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VP Pence a Human Rights Advocate? 

As part of his Asia tour, Vice President Pence met with Suu Kyi earlier today. Speaking at a joint press conference on the sidelines of Singapore’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit, Vice President Pence bluntly stated: “The violence and persecution by military and vigilantes that resulted in driving 700,000 Rohingya into Bangladesh is without excuse.” Mr. Pence also addressed head on “the arrest and jailing of two journalists” and reaffirmed  “the premium that we place on a free and independent press”.

Abe and Putin to discuss territorial dispute and peace treaty

Earlier today in Singapore, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to accelerate talks on a longstanding territorial dispute and a peace treaty. Although both sides signed a 1956 declaration ending the state of war and restoring diplomatic relations, the two have yet to sign a formal peace treaty. Analysts point to the territorial dispute over the Southern Kuril Islands/Northern Territories as the main sticking point. The islands have been in dispute since 1945, when the Soviet Union seized them.

Brexit Draft Deal Goes to Cabinet

Today, in a crucial cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Theresa May’s senior ministers are deciding whether to back yesterday’s draft EU withdrawal agreement. Just prior to the meeting Scottish Tory MPs signed a letter to Ms. May in which they voiced their concern over post-Brexit bargaining rights over fishing quotas. Prime Minister May is expected to give an update on the progress later today. Early reports indicate that opposition parties have already criticized the deal, calling the terms on the border in Northern Ireland unacceptable. The EU is expected to publish the draft as soon it is approved in London.

From Deep State Radio


The GOP lost as many as 40 House seats, key statehouses, and every demographic group that is growing or will be more important in 2020 and beyond than today.  Trump’s endorsements often failed and many recoiled from him.  The big unanswered question, therefore is why is there still such unwavering loyalty to Trump among GOP leaders?

One possibility is that they haven’t absorbed the message of last week’s massive defeat. Another is that they are in denial. But the most likely possibility is that the racist, isolationist, nationalist, doing-it-all-for-the-1%, anti-free press, anti-rule of law, pro-Russian, pro-autocrat worldwide, anti-environment, anti-science, tool-of-the-NRA, anti-health care, anti-education, extremist policies that are associated with Trump are actually their policies. Continue

DAVID SANGER: U.S. Declines to Sign Declaration Discouraging Use of Cyberattacks

Reflecting reluctance by the Trump administration to limit its options for using offensive and defensive cyberweapons, the United States declined on Monday to sign a vaguely worded international call to protect civilians against cyberattacks and discourage digital meddling in elections. Read more

Consider helping Jeff and his family, who lost everything in the Woolsey fire.  Click here to visit their GoFundMe page.

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