
Deep State Daily: Senate Checks Trump’s Foreign Policy, Macron Survives No-Confidence Vote

December 14, 2018

DeepTech Special Edition:  What Hasn’t China Hacked?

IN A NUTSHELL: The US is accusing China of being the ultimate scammer–ripping off trade secrets and perpetuating cyber attacks on civilians. US intelligence officials claim that China’s hacking against the US has increased and evolved. Previously, China’s hacking focused on corporate espionage and intellectual property theft. China’s targets now appear to be “critical infrastructure such as energy, healthcare, finance and transportation” and collecting vast amounts of data on American civilians. Experts worry that China is laying the groundwork for future cyber attacks.

The breadth and depth of China’s state-sponsored hacks is staggering…leading you to wonder: What hasn’t China hacked?

Stories We’re Watching

Mueller Update: Prosecutors Are Investigating Trump Inaugural Fund

Federal prosecutors are examining whether President Trump’s inaugural committee accepted illegal donations by foreign agents. The investigation arose out of documents seized during the federal raids of Michael Cohen’s (President Trump’s former personal lawyer) home and office. Legal analysts say that the investigation is likely to increase the legal risk of President Trump’s associates. Mr. Cohen insists that President Trump knew his hush money payments were illegal. Speaking after his sentencing, Mr. Cohen told reporters that “Nothing at the Trump organisation was ever done unless it was run through Mr Trump”.

Senate Check’s Trump’s Foreign Policy, Votes to End Aid for Yemen Fight

In a public rebuke of President Trump’s foreign policy, the US Senate passed resolutions to withdraw US military support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen and to officially blame Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. US Senators have repeatedly insisted that those responsible should be held accountable. But, this is the first time that any Congress has agreed to pull US forces from a military conflict under the 1973 War Powers Act. President Trump has repeatedly backed MBS, who the CIA claims is highly likely behind Khashoggi’s murder.  Already, the US is ceasing to refuel Saudi war planes.

Kremlin Responds to Butina’s Plea, Calls Charges Groundless

Earlier today a Kremlin spokesperson called the allegations against Russia citizen Maria Butina “absolutely groundless”. Butina pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of acting with a Russian official to infiltrate the US conservative movement on behalf of the Russian government. Yesterday, the EU unanimously agreed to prolong economic sanctions against Russia given the lack of progress over implementation of the Minsk agreements. Russia and NATO have increasingly strained relations over Russian aggression in the Azov Sea and interference in the 2016 US general election.

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Macron Survives No-Confidence Vote, Braces for Tomorrow’s Protests

President Emmanuel Macron’s has survived yesterday’s no-confidence vote triggered by France’s center-left and the far-left parties. The vote was called over his response to the yellow-vest protests that have grown increasingly violent as demonstrators take to the streets over soaring living costs. In response, President Macron promised a €100 per month minimum wage raise and cancelled taxes on overtime pay. Critics have called his response both inadequate and weak. French officials are looking into the role that Facebook played in fueling the protests.

‘Predictions’ of 2019 Financial Crisis, China’s Economy Slows Sharply

Oil prices and global stocks were all down today after the release of disappointing economic data from China, which has sparked fears over global growth and lower fuel demand. Economists have said that the data has sparked investor fears, which, in a self-fulfilling prophecy,  is putting further downward pressure on markets. Trade analysts say that issues like the unresolved trade disputes between the US and China as well as a possible ‘messy’ Brexit further depress markets.

From Deep State Radio


We’re keeping it short and closing out the year in FPI this week. We’ve got a quick review of what you need to know this week below. Before we get to that, we wanted to let you know that we’ll be off for the holidays and back in action in early January. We have lots of exciting changes that are coming then. 🤩 🙌 Stay tuned. In the meantime, thank you for reading. We’re grateful for your enthusiastic interest and support. Happy holidays and an even happier New Year. 🍾🎉🌟CONTINUE


What does Trump, podcasts and Patti Lupone have in common: Jon Cryer. On Washington for Beautiful People Jon and Emily discuss Trump, twitter trolls, podcasting and (wait for it) Patti Lupone. While most people know Jon Cryer as Duckie from “Pretty in Pink” or Alan Harper from “Two and a Half Men” Cryer has always had an interest in our political system and criminal justice. Since 2016, Cryer has used his voice to amplify important issues including criminal justice reform. It was that interest that led him to host the popular podcast Addendum. And most importantly, Jon regales Emily with stories from musical theater and the one the only Patti Lupone. Tune in!

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