
Deep State Daily: Turkey to buy Russian Missiles, Congress Investigates US-Saudi Nuclear Deal

Stories We’re Watching

Putin Delivers State-of-the-nation Address, Threatens US over EU Missile Deployment

Yesterday, President Putin threatened the US with retaliation if the US deploys new missiles in Europe. Putin delivered the warning during his annual state-of-the-nation address. Defense experts have warned of a renewed arms race following the US withdrawal from the INF treaty earlier this month. President Putin also criticized US sanctions against Russia and promised to raise living standards in Russia—a promise that economists warn is likely to go unfulfilled given rampant inflation.

Erdogan Doubles Down on Buying Russian Missiles Despite NATO Warnings

Turkish President Erdogan has refused to cancel a deal to buy S-400 missile systems from Russia despite warnings from the US that the missiles wouldn’t be integrated into NATO defense systems. Citing budgetary considerations, Erdogan insisted that Turkey would go ahead with the Russian missile deal unless the US offered a major discount on similar missiles. The move underscores the tense relationship between Turkey and NATO members as well as the ongoing turmoil in Turkey due to upcoming elections, record-level inflation, massive public sector purges, and widespread political persecution.

Congress Launches Probe of US-Saudi Nuclear Plan

The House Oversight and Reform Committee has released a report detailing the Trump administration’s plan to bypass Congress and transfer nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. In addition to violating the Atomic Energy Act, arms control experts warn that the move would also exacerbate a regional arms race. Following the release of the report, the committee chairperson gave the White House until March 5 to provide details about any plans to transfer nuclear technology within the Middle East.

US-China Trade Talks: Trump Expected to Extend Deadline

President Trump indicated yesterday that the US-China trade deadline was likely to be extended beyond March 2—in direct contradiction of remarks made by US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. Yesterday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross submitted a report to the president about automotive tariffs and national security. Markets in Europe and Asia closed higher today, but analysts warn that the gains could be reversed with broad tariffs on the auto industry. Lighthizer is expected to appear before the House Ways and Means Committee next week—days before the March deadline.

Venezuela Closes Maritime & Air Borders Amid Deadly Police Crackdown

Venezuela’s Maduro administration has closed key maritime and air borders with neighboring countries ahead of Saturday’s aid deadline imposed by interim President Guiado. Regional analysts warn that thousands of Venezuelans have been pushed to the brink of famine since Maduro’s contested inauguration last month. Amid growing civil unrest, embattled president Maduro has increasingly turned to security forces to execute and imprison protesters. Amnesty International has called on the UN to investigate pervasive human rights abuses.

From Deep State Radio


In America today we face the shocking reality that there are traitors at the highest level of our government selling out our country.  What makes this more shocking is that depending on which party you are in, you see a different group of traitors.  Incivility is so five years ago.  We’re at the point where the goal is to send your opponents to jail.  That said—the case against one set of traitors is pretty evident on its face and the case against the other is pretty cuckoo. But where does it all lead?  Will it get worse?  Is Mueller the answer?  Or is focusing on fixing what really is broke in America the key?  Join Edward Luce of the Financial Times, Rosa Brooks of Georgetown University and journalist Sarah Kendzior of the Gaslit Nation podcast for a rousing discussion of our unsettled moment in history. Tune in!


Donald Trump’s America has so alienated our traditional allies that when Mike Pence and Ivanka Trump went to the Munich Security Conference this past week, they were humiliated on more than one occasion by a clearly hostile crowd.  But our problem is not just that America is rejecting principles on which it has built its security for decades.  Our allies are faltering and facing deep problems of their own.  Brexit is the worst example.  But everywhere you look there are others.  That means we won’t just be able to hit reset when Trump leaves office (if he ever does).  We may need to start from scratch with new ideas about new alliances for a much changed world.  Rosa Brooks of Georgetown Law and Ed Luce of the FT discuss whether there are any signs of those new ideas being cooked up now…anywhere.  The answer is…well, let’s not spoil it for you.  But bring a stiff drink (or several) for this one.  Join us!


Everyone has a story to tell and Elena Nicolaou has a helluva one. For years Elena and her family were close friends with Paul Erickson and his girlfriend Maria Butina…yes that Maria Butina. (The “alleged” Russian spy.)  Elena details the relationship her family had with Paul and this red headed Russian girlfriend (who was half his age, but no judgement). Maria and Paul went to Disney World with Elena, Maria read Elena’s palm and Paul texted Elena about Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson’s relationship. If this story seems crazy, wait until you hear it ALL.  Tune in for the absolutely crazy and unbelievably true story of the family that befriended the Russian (ahem “alleged”) spy. Tune in!


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