
Deep State Daily: US-North Korea talks collapse, Pakistan to release kidnapped jetpilot

February 28, 2019

Stories We’re Watching

US-North Korea Talks Collapse

President Trump abruptly canceled talks with Supreme Leader Kim earlier today, citing intransigence over sanctions and denuclearization. North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho disputed President Trump’s account and insisted that the DPRK only sought the lifting of sanctions targeting civilians. Mr. Ri did concede that the North was unwilling to agree to complete denuclearization and offered only to dismantle one nuclear material production facility.

Pakistan to Release Captured Indian Jetpilot

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced that the Indian jetpilot captured by Pakistani forces would be released. The release comes amidst growing tensions between the two nuclear powers which was sparked by a terror attack in the disputed Kashmir region two weeks ago. Since then, flights from Pakistan have been canceled, and civilians living along the border have begun to flee. In the absence of US support, Saudi diplomats are believed to be acting act as intermediaries between India and Pakistan.

8 Tons of Gold Removed from Venezuela’s Central Bank While Guiado Meets with EU Envoys in Brazil

Interim President Guiado met with EU ambassadors and President Bolsonaro in Brazil earlier today to build pressure on embattled President Maduro. The UN’s Security Council is scheduled to vote later today on resolutions to control the ongoing Venezuelan crisis. Guiado has been out of the country since last week’s aid deadline. While Guaido and the head of Venezuela’s Central Bank were abroad, Maduro orchestrated the removal of 8 tons of gold from the country’s central bank.

US drops 25% tariff threat on Chinese goods

Yesterday, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced that the US would drop the threat to levy a 25% tariff on $200bn worth of Chinese goods. President Trump had already extended the trade war deadline earlier this week. Trade analysts believe that the announcement and the extension indicate progress in the ongoing trade dispute but warn that structural changes are still needed.

UN Rules Israel Likely Committed Crimes Against Humanity in Response to Gaza Protests

The UN Human Rights Council has released a report detailing how Israeli forces intentionally opened fire on civilians including children, disabled persons, and journalists during last year’s Gaza protests. The authors conclude that the actions likely amount to crimes against humanity in all but 2 cases. The report recommends that Israeli authorities investigate every protest-related killing and that certain members of the security forces be referred to the International Criminal Court. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu faces indictment on charges of bribery and fraud just weeks before general elections.

From Deep State Radio


Depending on your view of history and human life, the Michael Cohen circus on television this Wednesday was the third or fourth most important story of the day (that we know of).  Certainly, a shooting war between two nuclear powers like India and Pakistan has got to rank first.  And the possibility of a breakthrough between the US and North Korea might rank second (if it actually happens and it is not all for show).  Global warming is probably always a bigger story.  So we got Katie Phang, Joe Cirincione, and our own Rosa Brooks to cover them all (except global warming…but we’ll get to that again soon).  Tune in!


Five years ago, the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine began.  That was followed by the annexation of Crimea, US and European sanctions and, soon after, by stepped Russian efforts to undermine the leaders and parties in the West that were opposing him.  Which of course, leads not just to Donald Trump but to Brexit and the rise of the right in Europe.  It’s a stunning turn of events…and events look like they’re going to be turning just like this for some time to come.  No one is better equipped to make sense of this and give us a perspective on where we are going than former U.S. Ambassador to Russia and professor at Stanford University Michael McFaul.  It’s a great, thoughtful and wide-ranging conversation.  Please tune in.

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