
Deep State Daily: US troops killed in Syria, May survives no-confidence vote

January 16, 2019

Stories We’re Watching

Theresa May Faces Another No-confidence Vote as Pound Steadies

Following yesterday’s historic defeat in British parliament, PM Theresa May survived yet another vote of no-confidence. This is her second one in a month. May now has three days to submit a revised bill. Analysts, investors, and European officials caution that mass uncertainty around the exit is fueling panic. Although little is known about what exactly will happen next, the pound sterling and stocks rallied following Brexit’s Commons defeat. Want a 2 minute explanation? Analysts are saying that President Macron’s elegant, 4 point explanation of Brexit is literally one of the best to date.

Too Little, Too Late? Macron Launches ‘Grand National Debate’ Following Yellow Vest Protests

President Macron has launched a ‘great national debate’ to start a conversation about the mass discontent that fueled the yellow vest protests, which have disrupted nation’s capital since last November. President Macron announced the initiative in a public letter and in a surprise town hall in Gasny. So far, the public have criticized the effort as inadequate given Macron’s inflammatory language, accusing the poor of ‘screwing around’. Macron’s initial response to the demonstrations in December was also lambasted as inadequate (he did sit at a gold desk after all).

Mueller Updates: Mueller Gets His Own Action Figure & Files Memo Describing Manafort’s False Statements

Yesterday, the Special Counsel filed a redacted memo describing Manafort’s false statements. Legal analysts say that the heavily-redacted report indicates that Manafort allegedly lied about   his ties to Russian associates; meetings and payments from Konstantin Kilimnik; and his efforts to get his friends jobs in the Trump administration. Reports yesterday indicate that Mueller has widened the investigation to include congressperson Devin Nunes, present at the Flynn breakfast back in January 2017. In other Mueller-related news, the special counsel now has his own action figure.

North Korean Negotiator Expected in DC Tomorrow

North Korea’s lead nuclear negotiator, Kim Yong Chol, is set to arrive in DC tomorrow. Insiders expect Mr. Kim to meet with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the much-anticipated second summit between President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim. Little progress on denuclearization has been made since the first summit last summer. Security analysts and researchers warn that North Korea poses multiple threats beyond nuclear weapons. A report by the Middlebury Institute for International Studies at Monterey outlines the recent efforts that North Korea has taken to develop chemical and biological weapons.

Suicide Attack in Northern Syria Kills 15, Gulf States Mull Reopening Embassies in Damascus

Earlier today, at least 15 people were killed in a suicide attack in northern Syria. Defense officials have confirmed that the casualties include 3 US servicepersons and one America civilian. Many are attributing the attack to a Daesh newly-emboldened by President Trump’s withdrawal of US troops. In a shocking turn of events, Iran has sided with Gulf Arab states in expressing desire to reopen embassies in Syria. Iran has long backed Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad; while GCC states have spent millions to fund rebel groups fighting against him. Regional experts say that the motivation to reopen embassies is twofold: prevent concentration of power and win lucrative post-war reconstruction projects.

From Deep State Radio

BLOG: Deep State Radio Membership Referral Program

We at Deep State Radio are truly grateful for the support our listeners have shown since we launched our website and membership program.  It’s an extremely important time in the history of our country and we’re looking forward to bringing you more intelligent conversation, analysis and content.
Today, we are announcing a simplified membership referral program.  Here’s how it works.

PODCAST: Roomba for President 2020

Trump may be a disaster as a person and as a president.  But he may also be triggering a rebirth in American political thought and a flowering of new policy ideas.  The progressive branch of the Democratic Party is in the lead at the moment, but with so many areas demanding rethinking, the ferment may spread and we may all be the beneficiaries.  How?  Tune in to our discussion among Georgetown’s Rosa Brooks, the Financial Times’ Ed Luce, IISS’s Kori Schake and the New York Times’ David Sanger to discuss new ideas, why they’re happening and why their may be a silver lining to the shit storm we are dealing with every day. Listen here!

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