
DSR Daily: China passes foreign investment law, N Korea threatens to exit talks with “gangster-like” US

March 15, 2019

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The DSR Network

Stories We’re Watching

North Korea Threatens to Exit Nuclear Talks with “Gangster-like” US

North Korea has threatened to exit nuclear weapons talks with the US over American officials’ “gangster-like” negotiation tactics. According to North Korea’s Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, North Korean officials are considering resuming missile and nuclear tests unless the US softens their previous demands of total denuclearization. Reports released earlier this week indicate that Spanish authorities have suggested that US intelligence might have been behind the attack on North Korea’s embassy in Madrid back in February.

Israeli Warplanes Strike 100 Gaza Targets after Accidental Strike on Tel Aviv

Israeli warplanes have conducted multiple air strikes against Gaza targets following a strike on Tel Aviv launched from Gaza. Israel struck 100 targets overnight in response to the initial attack, but now Israeli defense officials claim that the initial attack was likely a mistake that occured during routine maintenance work. The attack was the first in five years and comes amid Israeli-Hamas truce negotiations. Two weeks ago, Israel was rebuked by the UN for possible crimes against humanity committed during last year’s Gaza protests.

49 Dead in New Zealand Terror Attack

Yesterday, a gunman attacked two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 49 individuals and critically injuring scores more. The assailant live streamed the attack and employed a multiplatform social media strategy to maximize coverage of the slaughter. The assailant drew attention to numerous hate speech sites and left behind a 74-page manifesto that targeted Muslims and immigrants. Regional analysts have pointed to New Zealand’s relatively lax gun laws which don’t require firearm registration. New Zealand’s Prime Minister has called the terror attack “one of New Zealand’s darkest days”.

China Passes Foreign Investment Law to Appease US Trade Demands

Earlier today, Chinese lawmakers passed a new foreign investment law aimed at leveling the playing field between domestic and international firms. The bill eliminates the requirement for forced technology transfers to local Chinese partners and contains provisions to  protect against “illegal government interference.” The bill is meant to address US demands that China make substantive, structural changes regarding intellectual property theft and foreign investment. However, trade analysts and industry experts have expressed caution over how China will actually enforce the new regulations.

Saudi Arabia Rejects Calls For Independent Investigation Into Khashoggi Murder

Saudi Arabia has rejected calls for an independent investigation into the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The president of Saudi’s Human Rights Commission insisted yesterday that all defendants were being brought to “justice” but refused to identify the defendants, their lawyers, or the specific charges against them. He maintained that local prosecutors were adhering to Saudi Arabia’s constitution, which consists of the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah. Saudi officials have also faced international outcry over the detention, torture, and trial of human rights activists.

From The DSR Network


Unlucky. That’s how March 15 is known. Beware the ides of March. William Shakespeare coined that now famous term in Julius Caesar (spoiler: It doesn’t turn out well for Julius). Looking at the past week from Westminster, the seat of the British government, things aren’t looking rosy. The British House of Commons rejected, once again, the “Brexit” plan that Prime Minister Theresa May brokered with the European Union. Even Shakespeare would agree that deserves an “oy vey.” CONTINUE


Washington for Beautiful People is where entertainment and politics meet, so who better to talk about this than Entertainment Weekly Senior Reporter Anthony Breznican. On this episode, Anthony and I talk about celebrity involvement in politics and how A-list stars like Chris Evans puts everything on the line to speak truth to power. We also chat Mr. Rogers (the anti-Trump), how voting local matters and why he thinks Alyssa Milano is amazing (get in line Anthony) . Oh and I may have confessed who’s on my list….yes that list. Listen in for a fun, wide ranging, conversation and insider look at the beautiful people that are speaking up and out against Washington…well Trump. Tune in!


Lurid and sleazy are everyday descriptions in Trumpworld but the world was nonetheless stunned by revelations of a South Florida madam who founded a chain of spas recently busted for human trafficking and how she has become a Mar-a-Lago insider & GOP donor who is now pimping out the presidency…well, just like a Trump.  But the sordid nature of the story is not why it is important.  The national security threats associated with it are.  Kori Schake of IISS, Mieke Eoyang of the Third Way and Evelyn Farkas of the German Marshall Fund discuss this plus developments around the world. Tune in!

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