
DSR Daily: Senate rebukes Trump, Rouhani concludes historic Baghdad visit

March 15, 2019

Stories We’re Watching

Senate Rebukes Trump over Saudi Military Support in Yemen & National Emergency

Yesterday, the Senate passed a war powers resolution to end US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Earlier today, the Senate passed a separate resolution to overturn President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to divert funds to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. Both moves are seen as rebukes to President Trump’s domestic and foreign policies. The president is expected to veto both bills, which would be the first vetoes of his presidency.

Rouhani Concludes Historic Baghdad Visit

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has concluded a historic, official visit to Iraq. Yesterday, Rouhani met with Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, Iraq’s highest religious authority. Prior to the meeting, Rouhani and Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi jointly announced a host of trade, travel, and infrastructure agreements. Rouhani had previously claimed that trade between the two countries would soon reach $20 billion annually. Regional analysts believe that waning US influence and increased sanctions likely prompted the visit.

US-China Trade War: China Amends Law Banning Theft of Foreign Trade Secrets

President Trump told reporters yesterday that he was in no rush to reach a trade deal with China and stressed that any deal must include robust protections for intellectual property. On Tuesday, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer expressed doubt to the Senate Finance Committee over reaching an agreement due to ‘major’ unresolved issues. Earlier today, Chinese lawmakers amended a draft foreign-investment law that would bar officials from sharing corporate secrets and would also limit forced technology transfers.

British Lawmakers Reject 2nd Brexit Referendum and Approve Deadline Extension

British lawmakers voted earlier today to delay the March 29 Brexit deadline but overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to hold a second countrywide Brexit referendum. All 27 members of the EU must agree to the delay, and so far none officially have. PM Theresa May is expected to request the delay next Thursday at an EU summit in Brussels.

House Demands Mueller Report Be Made Public

In rare bipartisan show of support, House lawmakers voted 420-0 to approve a resolution demanding that the Justice Department release to the public the findings of the special counsel’s investigation. Under current protocol, special counsel Robert Mueller will submit a confidential report to Attorney General William Barr, who will then decide whether or not to release it to the public. Legal analysts caution that the Justice Department isn’t bound by the House’s resolution.

From The DSR Network

Early Access

Washington for Beautiful People is where entertainment and politics meet, so who better to talk about this than Entertainment Weekly Senior Reporter Anthony Breznican. On this episode, Anthony and I talk about celebrity involvement in politics and how A-list stars like Chris Evans puts everything on the line to speak truth to power. We also chat Mr. Rogers (the anti-Trump), how voting local matters and why he thinks Alyssa Milano is amazing (get in line Anthony) . Oh and I may have confessed who’s on my list….yes that list. Listen in for a fun, wide ranging, conversation and insider look at the beautiful people that are speaking up and out against Washington…well Trump. Tune in!


Lurid and sleazy are everyday descriptions in Trumpworld but the world was nonetheless stunned by revelations of a South Florida madam who founded a chain of spas recently busted for human trafficking and how she has become a Mar-a-Lago insider & GOP donor who is now pimping out the presidency…well, just like a Trump.  But the sordid nature of the story is not why it is important.  The national security threats associated with it are.  Kori Schake of IISS, Mieke Eoyang of the Third Way and Evelyn Farkas of the German Marshall Fund discuss this plus developments around the world. Tune in!

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