Deep State RadioPodcasts

Everything is Easier When You’re Stupid

When Donald Trump was presented with the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference in the US elections (of which he was Exhibit A) he said, “I don’t believe it.”  When presented with proof of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s role in ordering the murder of Jamal Khashoggi he said, “I don’t believe it.”  When presented with his own government’s assessment of the catastrophic costs of climate change he said, you guessed it, “I don’t believe it.”  Who needs rose-colored glasses when you have your head that far up your own narcissism?  Is this a canny strategy or is Trump our Maroon-in-Chief?  Kori Schake offers Henry the IVth, Part 1 as one of her Tiara-of-Optimism worthy examples.  Mieke Eoyang and Emily Brandwin are not quite so sanguine but all discuss this phenomenon as well as Russia & Ukraine, Brexit, our self-inflicted border crisis and more!  Tune in!

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