Member Briefings

Required Reading from DSR

For the next few weeks, while I am finishing up my book “American Resistance: The Untold Story of How the Deep State Saved the Country”, my weekly report to our readers will be my take on some of the best and most important reading I have encountered in the past week.

I hope it will direct you to some pieces you may have missed and give you some insight into the research and thinking that is going on down here in our silo at Deep State Radio.

Here are a few from this past week to get us started:

First, let me start with two I wrote.  The first is based on an exclusive interview I had with Secretary of State Tony Blinken the other day.  I wrote it up for The Daily Beast.

Here is the transcript of the interview I did on the Blinken interview and the state of play of the situation in Ukraine with Lawrence O’Donnell on The Last Word on MSNBC.

Here’s a column I did with TRG Media chairman Bernard Schwartz on the reasons that Biden, the Democrats and the country have plenty of reason to be optimistic about the year ahead. (Which itself is based on a brief I did for members a week or two ago.)

Now, on to other pieces.  First a couple from our regulars.

This is from Ed Luce, a week ago, also on Ukraine.

Here’s a good and thoughtful piece on China and Tech that features our friend David Sanger.  (Note: I agree with Prof. Graham Allison, a friend of DSR, when he warns against anti-China hysteria.)

Here’s an important David Sanger piece, with another friend of our pod, Helene Cooper, about the potential toll a war in Ukraine might take.

And here are a few others you should give some time to if you have not already.

Anne Applebaum, a great journalist on democracy and one who understands Putin well, on Ukraine and Putin’s calculus.

I disagree strongly with George Packer’s conclusions about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. But George is one of the best journalists out there and you can’t understand what happened without hearing all sides of the story.

If you’ve followed our discussions about the Supreme Court, you’ll definitely want to read this Linda Greenhouse piece on its latest foray into blatant party hackery:

And this, from Margaret Talbot at the New Yorker is excellent and chilling on Amy Coney Barrett and the future of the court.

Here’s an excellent, on-the-money piece on where we stand and should stand with regard to renegotiating the Iran nuclear deal from Jon Wolfstahl.

And here’s another good one from the Atlantic on Trump’s abuse of the official records act:

More of this next week. For now…stay healthy and tune in regularly to DSR!

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