
Rothkopf on Kavanaugh: Confirmed…but Will it Be a Lifetime Appointment?

The Kavanaugh nomination process has been a travesty.  In fact, in the words of Woody Allen\’s great old comedy \”Bananas\” it has been \”a travesty of a mockery of a sham.\”  The first travesty was nominating such a political hack with such extremist views.  The mockery was a process that was more of a cover up than it was a normal hearing process–from denying the release of 90 percent of his papers to the absurdly narrow show-investigation of the past week.  The sham, of course, was approving him.  The GOP thinks it has now placed its second hard-right judge in a lifetime appointment on the court.  But have they miscalculated?  Will the rage of women voters produce a blue wave that ultimately leads to Kavanaugh\’s impeachment?  That would be, from the perspective of Deep State Radio Host David Rothkopf, the only true justice that this process has produced.  Listen to his take.

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