Foreign Policy

Member Briefings

The Damoclean Sword of Distrust that Hangs Over US Foreign Policy

On Friday afternoon, a senior state department official held a roundtable discussion with members of the press in which he…

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Deep State Radio

Ah, So This is What Having an Actual, Thought Out, Professional Foreign Policy Feels Like

After four years of policy by Tweet that sometimes felt as if it were driven more by the indigestion of…

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Twitter Lists

“A Foreign Policy for the American People” – Episode Transcript

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Last week Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered…

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Twitter Lists

\”A Foreign Policy for the American People\” – Episode Transcript

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Last week Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered…

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Deep State Radio

“A Foreign Policy for the American People”

Last week Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a speech outlining the priorities of Biden-Harris Administration foreign policy.  It differed from…

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Can the Biden Foreign Policy Team Live Up to Their Advance Billing? – Episode Transcript

Note: The transcript below is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. The Biden foreign policy and national security…

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Deep State Radio

Can the Biden Foreign Policy Team Live Up to Their Advance Billing?

The Biden foreign policy and national security teams arrived to choruses of praise for the experience of the members and their…

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Deep State Radio

Promising Signs for a New Era in US Foreign Policy

Representative Ted Deutch (D-Florida) is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa and…

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Once They’ve Finished the Easy Part, What’s Next for the Biden Administration? Episode Transcript

Undoing the policies of our disgraced former president are the low hanging fruit for Biden foreign and national security policy.…

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Deep State Radio

Once They’ve Finished the Easy Part, What’s Next for the Biden Administration?

Undoing the policies of our disgraced former president are the low hanging fruit for Biden foreign and national security policy.…

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Once They\’ve Finished the Easy Part, What\’s Next for the Biden Administration? Episode Transcript

Undoing the policies of our disgraced former president are the low hanging fruit for Biden foreign and national security policy.…

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Deep State Radio

In Search of the Republican “Taliban We Can Work With”

Has the GOP lost its mind?  Or is its embrace and defense of lunatics, violent extremists, traitors, sex offenders, racists…

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In Search of the Republican \”Taliban We Can Work With\”

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Has the GOP lost its mind?  Or is…

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America’s Not the Only Place Democracy is Under Siege – Episode Transcript

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Imagine: A coup attempt in which the coup…

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Deep State Radio

America’s Not the Only Place Democracy is Under Siege

Imagine: A coup attempt in which the coup leaders justify taking power because of massive voter fraud.  Or imagine a…

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America\’s Not the Only Place Democracy is Under Siege – Episode Transcript

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Imagine: A coup attempt in which the coup…

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Deep State Radio

Can America Ever Lead Again?

Donald Trump was the worst president in US history. About that, at this point, there can be no doubt. One…

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Deep State Radio

What Comes After WTF? The Future of American Leadership in the Biden Era

We went from the bi-polar world to the uni-polar world to WTF.  The question now is “What comes after WTF?”…

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Deep State Radio

From a Wannabe Authoritarian to the Perfect Weapon

Donald Trump has unleashed resources of his government to support his campaign against Joe Biden in a way that America…

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Deep State Radio

Foreign Policy Takes a Holiday: Welcome to Campaign Season 2020

Every four years a heated debate occurs among foreign policy and national security nerds about why foreign policy and national…

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