Rosa Brooks

Deep State Radio

Making Sense of the NATO Summit and What Comes Next

As the NATO summit in Vilnius comes to a close, the United States, France, UK, and Turkey have all taken…

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Deep State Radio

What Does a Win in Ukraine Look Like & Will the NATO Summit Get Us Closer to that Win?

With the NATO summit in Vilnius only a week away, the continued invasion of Ukraine looms large. Yet NATO’s role…

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Deep State Radio

Analyzing Secretary Blinken’s China Trip and Modi’s Upcoming State Visit

This week, Rosa Brooks of the Georgetown Law Center guest hosts for David Rothkopf. She is joined by Ed Luce…

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Deep State Radio

Could We Be Nearing a Turning Point in the War in Ukraine?

The long awaited Spring offensive has become a Summer offensive. But we are just in the first phases. Key Ukrainian…

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Deep State Radio

What if We Told You Things Were Actually Going Better Than Expected in the US?

America did not choose to blow up the world economy. The lunatic caucus in Congress did not prevail. An experienced…

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Deep State Radio

Is a Thaw With China Coming? And…What About that 14th Amendment?

On this week’s episode of DSR, David Sanger of the New York Times, who traveled with the president’s party to…

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Deep State Radio

Isn’t Now the Moment to Double Down on Helping Ukraine Defeat Russia?

Russia is showing multiple signs of weakness in its faltering invasion of Ukraine. These are complemented by continuing signs of…

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Deep State Radio

What do the Coronation, the WH Correspondents Dinner, the Met Gala and the alleged drone attack on the Kremlin have in common?

In this rapid fire edition of America’s most entertaining foreign policy and national security podcast, the Financial Times’ Ed Luce…

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Deep State Radio

How Is the World Supposed to Deal with Another Biden v. Trump Election?

The world faces the prospect that US foreign policy could once again change on.a dime if, as could happen, Donald…

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Deep State Radio

Does the US Need Superpower Viagra?

France’s President Macron goes to China and succumbs to the charms of Xi Jinping. He leaves spouting Chinese talking points…

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Deep State Radio

Who is America’s Most Annoying Ally?

All friends are not allies and all allies are not friends. Sometimes countries that start out as allies stop behaving…

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Deep State Radio

Maybe It Should Have Been Called the Summit with Added Democracy-Like Product

Celebrating democracy seems like a good idea. Further, President Biden and his team have been actively supporting democracy worldwide since…

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Deep State Radio

Xi Scores Points in Moscow, Putin, Not So Much

Chinese President Xi Jinping made a historic visit to Moscow this week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.  David…

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Deep State Radio

Iran-Saudi Deal Shows It’s Not Your Father’s Middle East…But Is It Now China’s?

There is never a dull period for the Middle East.  David and Rosa are joined by Alon Pinkus of Haaretz…

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Deep State Radio

The Truth Putin Doesn’t Want You to Hear About Russia’s Floundering Economy

Sanctions and the cost of the war in Ukraine have had a major impact on the Russian economy.  David, Rosa,…

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Deep State Radio

A Tale of Two Underestimated Presidents

Biden made a surprise trip to Kyiv and the war in Ukraine grinds on.  David is joined by DSR regulars…

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Deep State Radio

One Year Later in Ukraine We Are, Dare We Say It, Cautiously Optimistic

The war in Ukraine is almost a year old but continues to hold surprises.  David talks about what has shocked…

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Deep State Radio

Balloonacy: The US Military Triggers a Deflationary Spiral

Uncover the truth behind the Balloon Madness that has taken the nation by storm! David sits down with with Rosa…

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Deep State Radio

“Greetings from Israel, Wish I Weren’t Here”: The Awkward Subtext of Blinken’s Visit with Bibi

Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to a very different Israel than one might have expected a year ago.  Benjamin…

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Deep State Radio

Is China Changing the Tone of its Foreign Policy?

If you don’t understand what is happening in Asia, you are missing some of the most impactful stories of the…

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