

The DSR Daily for January 12 – US, Britain Carry Out Strikes in Yemen, Argentina’s Inflation Soars

On our Friday edition of the DSR daily, we cover the US and British strikes in Yemen, Argentina’s soaring inflation,…

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The DSR Daily for November 21: Ukraine Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Euromaidan, Israel and Hamas Approaching Agreement in Gaza

On today’s DSR Daily, we discuss an approaching deal between Hamas and Israel in Gaza, Ukraine celebrating the 10th anniversary…

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The DSR Daily Brief for April 11, 2023

The two hundred sixty-fourth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode: U.S. in crisis mode with…

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The DSR Daily Brief for February 8, 2023

The two hundred thirty-second episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode: China spy balloon: US Navy…

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The DSR Daily Brief for January 27, 2023

The two hundred twenty-fourth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode: Israel, Gaza militants trade fire…

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The DSR Daily Brief for January 5, 2023

The two hundred-eighth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode France to deliver ‘light tanks’ to…

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Member Briefings

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Happy New Year! Listen to today’s Daily Brief podcast here.

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The DSR Daily Brief for November 28, 2022

The one hundred and eighty-eighth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode Shanghai tightens security after…

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Member Briefings

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Here is today’s newsletter edition of ‘The DSR Daily Brief.’ You can view our links from today’s podcast here. We’re…

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The DSR Daily Brief for October 31, 2022

The one hundred and seventy-second episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode Brazil’s Lula to reclaim…

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Full Member Version Podcasts

The DSR Daily Bonus Brief: Somalia, UNICEF, and the Problems Facing Children

In this weekend’s bonus brief DSR Daily Brief Host Grant Haver talks with James Elder, Spokesman for UNICEF, about the…

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Member Briefings

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Here is today’s newsletter edition of ‘The DSR Daily Brief.’ You can view our links from today’s podcast here. We’re…

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The DSR Daily Brief for October 6, 2022

The one hundred and fifty-sixth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode Thailand mass shooting sees…

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The DSR Daily Brief for July 19, 2022

The one hundredth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode US to Continue Providing Intelligence to…

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Member Briefings

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Welcome to the newsletter edition of the ‘The DSR Daily Brief.’ Please be sure to rate and review the podcast…

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FP Interrupted


Before we dive into this week’s headlines, we want to, once again, scream. And, yet, our voices are hoarse, depleted…

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