Member BriefingsThe DSR Daily Brief

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Ukraine Daily Brief is now ‘The DSR Daily Brief.’ Please be sure to rate and review. (We know that many of you are receiving the podcast in our member feed, but reviews help with discoverability.) Some notable links referenced in today’s podcast can be viewed here. We invite you to help shape our evolving coverage at


Zalensky calls on the international community to end Russia’s blockade of wheat exports. Nearly 25 million tons of grain are stuck in Ukraine while a global hunger crisis looms. Russian forces fire seven missiles at targets in the vital port city of Odesa.

The civilian death toll in Ukraine is feared to be ‘thousands higher’ than the official number of 3,381.

The Americas

The US temporarily suspends tariffs on Ukrainian steel. Global corporate tax is on the agenda for US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s trip to Poland. 

In a tale of two state pension funds with Russia exposure, California (team divestiture) is beating out Florida (team double down).

Europe and Central Asia

A NATO spokesperson says a two-week fast-track process is available to Sweden and Finland. Norway’s foreign minister says this isn’t guaranteed, emphasizing the importance of consensus among NATO countries. A former French ambassador to the UN suggests that Russia’s Nordic neighbors would be getting a free ride. A former Finnish prime minister offers a factual correction.

According to FSB figures, nearly four million Russians have fled the country. As we’ve previously relayed, this includes a large number of educated professionals and those opposed to Putin. Perhaps they imagine a better future for their children than this.

The Indo-Pacific

China’s Covid policies are making it a tough sell for US-owned businesses seeking expat talent. 

The Middle East and Africa

Following an attack in the Sinai peninsula, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi hopes to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation with the US. Earlier this year, Biden announced plans to cut $130 million in aid to Egypt over human rights issues. He nevertheless approved a $2.5 billion arms deal to Egypt, ostensibly to counter the national security threat of Egyptian dependence on Russian arms.

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For in-depth analysis, check out our sister podcasts on the DSR Network and stay tuned to the DSR Daily podcast for new and evolving stories from around the world. 

The DSR Network Team (Chris Cotnoir, Grant Haver, and Katherine Hill)

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