Deep State RadioPodcasts

What if the Facts on Impeachment Just Don’t Matter?

In Ohio today, one house of the legislature passed a law saying that if a student gets a science question wrong at school because it does not conform with his religious beliefs it can’t be held against him.  We have officially entered the post-fact world.  That matters in the impeachment case because as the Democrats lay out a careful factual case, the GOP response is a tsunami of conspiracy theories, lies, nonsense, and distractions.  And that might be all that’s necessary to maintain the political balance that keeps Trump in office.  Is there an antidote?  Will the next rounds of hearings produce a game-changer?  Ryan Goodman of NYU Law School and “Just Security” and Rosa Brooks of Georgetown University Law Center discuss with host David Rothkopf.  Join us for essential insights into this newest phase of the impeachment chapter…and the decline of Western Civilization.

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