
Why Democrats and All Americans Should Unite Behind Joe Biden Now

As you who follow me know, I was not a @JoeBiden supporter at the outset. I have been energized and inspired by @kamalaharris and @ewarren since the beginning of the campaign. But with the inevitability of @joebiden as the candidate now clear, I’d like to share a brief anecdote.

Biden is surrounded by excellent advisors, some of the very best and the brightest in Washington. I’ve spoken to several of them over the past few months and their commitment to him and their reasons for supporting him have been quite thought provoking and persuasive.

A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with @RonaldKlain, a close Biden aide, formerly his chief of staff, and one of those folks in DC whose views I value above most others. He described that he too, like me, shares some deeply held progressive beliefs.

He underscored that Biden shared many of them too. But then he explained that in his very sensible view, advancing those beliefs began with defeating Donald Trump. You have to protect our system and defeat the enemies of serving the people as job one.

But he also went on to say that there could be no progress on any issue that mattered–combatting inequality, addressing the climate crisis, ending corruption in Washington–without both getting a Democratic president and, he emphasized, getting that 51st Dem Senator.

That meant a candidate who could win and also help carry down ballot races and one who could then work constructively to produce legislative change and one who, in the face of GOP opposition, knew had to work the executive branch levers to offset their obstructionism.

In his view, based on massive experience, that was Biden. Now, as it is clear that Biden is the likely nominee of the Democratic Party, we all need to accept that the only path to a more progressive, more just America requires a @JoeBiden victory in November.

As is often the case in such matters, Ron was right (he may be smarter than me but hopefully he won’t see this thread and the compliment won’t go to his head). The entire party now needs to accept this reasoning. If you support or supported progressive values like I do recognize that there is only one realistic way to advance them and that is by unifying the party behind @JoeBiden and working to get that 51st Democratic senator and to hold the House. That is not only the one way to support the agenda we care about most.

It is also the one way to defend America from an unfit, corrupt, authoritarian, traitorous president and his enablers who have put U.S. democracy and leadership in jeopardy. It is idealistic, pragmatic and patriotic all at once.

For one of those reasons or for all of them, adjust to this new reality and work within it. Harbor your doubts, maintain your skepticism, but work for this because it is essential & because it is right. And then, after November,press like Hell for the change and progress we need.

Consider that by coming to this conclusion now, by uniting in the Spring, by entering the convention in July energized and committed to a common goal, we are doing the most progressive thing possible–we are defeating evil and fighting for a better life for all Americans.

By doing it now, we increase our chances immeasurably, save our resources for when it counts, raise the possibility of more success in Hill races and send an unmistakable message: the end is coming for Trump, McConnell, and their attacks on the idea and the ideals of America.

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