Grant Haver

Grant is the podcast producer and new content coordinator for the DSR Network. He is a Senior Fellow of National Security at the Rainey Center and is a member of Foreign Policy for America's NextGen Initiative

“Nuclear Weapons for the Mind and Blueberry Muffins for the Soul” with guest Joseph Cirincione

In a sentence we never thought we’d write: Marissa and her guest, nuclear warfare expert Joe Cirincione,  have one of the…

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Member Briefings

America’s Soft Power Moment

As the war in Ukraine continues to drag on, it is unlikely that the West will get involved militarily.  Despite…

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Member Briefings

Don’t Wait For China to Invade Taiwan to Act

Last week the unthinkable happened. Russia, without provocation, invaded the sovereign state of Ukraine.  In response, the United States and…

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Member Briefings

Putin, Defiler of the Faith

After months of build up and attempts to find a pretext for invasion, on Wednesday night, Russian President Vladimir Putin…

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Member Briefings

Bolsonaro and the Failure of the International Authoritarian Enterprise

On Wednesday, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin took a break from threatening a war with Ukraine to meet with Brazil’s President…

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Member Briefings

Required Reading – Week of February 14, 2022

David continues to be hard at work on his book.  So this week, I’m racking up all the most important…

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Member Briefings

Is Europe Ready for Ukrainian Refugees?

On “Fox News Sunday” Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that “Any day now, Russia could take military action…

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Member Briefings

A New Approach to the Forgotten Crisis

While America’s foreign policy establishment is focused on handling Russian aggression in Ukraine, another national security issue is slipping under…

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Member Briefings

Combating Corruption at Home and Abroad

President Biden is facing a series of challenges as he begins his second year in office.  Russia is on the…

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Member Briefings

The Financialization of Warfare

This week, the United States and our NATO allies have been undertaking a diplomatic push to prevent Russia from further…

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Member Briefings

A Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics Does Not Go Far Enough

On Monday, the Biden Administration announced that it will be boycotting the winter Olympics in Beijing, at least diplomatically.  Functionally,…

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