
One Nation Under Its Oligarchy: A Country of, by and for The Very Rich

A vitally important piece from @ThePlumLineGS: \”The massive triumph of the rich, illustrated by stunning new data.\” And while the data…

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The Future of Our Democracy Depends on Investigating Every Impeachable Offense

To recap, while I agree with @repadamschiff that the bribery case against Trump is the strongest because bribery is specifically mentioned in…

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We\’re Not Who We Thought We Were

81 years ago tonight, my grandfather was arrested by the Nazis for the crime of being a Jew. My Dad,…

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DSR Network Highlights – Week of November 4, 2019

Membership Note:  We are consolidating our podcast hosting over the next 30 days and as a result, there will be…

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House Intelligence Committee Releases Testimony In Impeachment Inquiry

The House Intelligence Committee has released full testimony from depositions and interviews with Kurt Volker, Former United States Special Representative…

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DSR Network Highlights – Week of October 28

Membership Note:  We are consolidating our podcast hosting over the next 30 days and as a result, there will be…

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There Will Now Be an Impeachment Process–Let It Be the Full, Fair and Thorough One the Country Needs

I\’ve always been an outlier on the issue of impeachment. I continue to think that the way the Democratic majority…

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Funerals like Elijah Cummings\’ Should Motivate Us to Act Or We Will End Up Mourning Even Greater Losses

The McCain funeral, the Bush funeral, the Cummings funeral, they have all become national events, elevated by their focus on…

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This Time It\’s Different: Trump\’s America is Now Part of the Axis of Evil

I want to say I have never been more ashamed of US foreign policy than I am now. But I…

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Can Our Shame Save Us?

I want to say I have never been more ashamed of US foreign policy than I am now. But I…

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Corruption Is Now Baked In To Our Foreign Policy

It is now the official foreign policy of the United States that we call upon foreign governments that wish to…

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The Myth of the Democratic Party Shift to the Left

I have read too many articles recently about the Dem \”shift left.\” Since when is it \”left\” to think public…

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Trump\’s Personal Diplomacy is Making the World More Dangerous Daily

An important subtext of this week\’s revelations is that it confirms that given the great power conferred by the Constitution…

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A Moment By Which We Will All Be Judged and to Which We All Must Rise

Watergate occurred when I was a teenager. But I remember vividly that the mood at the time was different from…

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The Best Path To Impeachment – An Excerpt from \”Making Sense of the Whistleblower Revelations

Below are excerpts from our most recent episode of Deep State Radio titled, \”Making Sense of the Ukraine Whistleblower Revelations.\”…

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American Democracy on the Critical List

Trump\’s a traitorous crook. And a very bad man. Many of those around him are also crooks and bad men…

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The Way We Must Remember 9/11

The 9/11 attacks were a horrific crime. So too was our response to it. Trillions of dollars were lost and…

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What Is The Opposite of Foreign Policy?

David Rothkopf posed this question in response to Donald Trump’s Hong Tweet, highlighted below. Our Intelligence has informed us that…

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To Defeat Trump and Trumpism, 2020 Must Be a Watershed Election

The problem is not Trump, it\’s Trumpism. It\’s not one man, but the tens of millions who support him. If…

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Summer Finale: War Zone: America

The War Zone in Our Backyard Now, that’s a stunning statistic. More gun deaths in the US than in Afghanistan…

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