
Time for Dems to Get Off Their Fainting Couches

Those of you waking up this morning to a war for the soul of the American judiciary have not been…

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The COVID Disaster is Not an Act of God, It’s a Crime

Make sure to understand that the disastrous leadership failure on COVID has actually consisted of a series of equally disastrous…

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The COVID Disaster is Not an Act of God, It\’s a Crime

Make sure to understand that the disastrous leadership failure on COVID has actually consisted of a series of equally disastrous…

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Justice in America is Dead

Justice in America is dead. We used to talk about damage to it. We used to remark with each setback…

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Lost at a Crossroads in History

I just don’t get the sense we have fully grasped the profundity of what is happening all around us. History…

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DSR Network Highlights and Announcements – Week of May 4, 2020

Announcements New Membership Offerings Video – As we’re now recording our episodes using Zoom, we’re providing full video episodes for…

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Excerpts From Our Conversation with Rep. Val Demings

We had the opportunity to speak with Representative Val Demings of Florida’s 10th district. Here are some excerpts from our…

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This Is Not Just a Public Heatlh Crisis, It’s an Inequality Crisis

No denying that this is a public health crisis on top of (and made much worse by) an inequality crisis.…

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This Is Not Just a Public Heatlh Crisis, It\’s an Inequality Crisis

No denying that this is a public health crisis on top of (and made much worse by) an inequality crisis.…

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Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Has Been a Disaster–But Don’t Forget His Other Crimes and Abuses

Trump’s outrageous firing of the Intelligence Community IG is a useful reminder that he is not just directly responsible for…

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Trump\’s Handling of Coronavirus Has Been a Disaster–But Don\’t Forget His Other Crimes and Abuses

Trump\’s outrageous firing of the Intelligence Community IG is a useful reminder that he is not just directly responsible for…

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Why Democrats and All Americans Should Unite Behind Joe Biden Now

As you who follow me know, I was not a @JoeBiden supporter at the outset. I have been energized and inspired…

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Our Afghan War Was A Catastrophe: We Must Admit That To Recover

Look, I’m a foreign policy professional, very nuanced in my thinking, deeply grounded in history. I understand things that didn’t…

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This is how democracy dies…or rather, how it is murdered.

If you thought the end of US democracy and our greatness as a country would come with missiles raining down…

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Deep State Radio Episodes – March 2019

We continue to look back on Deep State Radio episodes from 2019. Negotiations in Hanoi ultimately failed, but Kim Jong…

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Deep State Radio Episodes – February 2019

February is the shortest month of the year, but it proved big on the news front. The government shutdown ended,…

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Remembering the Victims of Trump and the GOP

It\’s a good time of the year to remember that everything that makes you angry about the US and our…

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Deep State Radio Episodes – January 2019

It\’s been a wild ride. The news didn\’t take a break in 2019 and we\’ve done our best to help…

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Is it Too Late for Democracy in America?

As the last century began, few could imagine a world without empires or monarchs. The generation that followed could not…

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A Look Ahead: Where\’s 2020 Going

From climate emergencies to ever-expanding Big Tech to fears over the very future of democracy, the stakes in 2019 couldn’t…

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