Max Boot

Deep State Radio

“I Want to Grab Mike Johnson by the Lapels”

Mike Johnson and the MAGA Republicans are sacrificing Ukraine at the altar of Trump. The Republicans’ use of Ukraine aid…

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Deep State Radio

Special Episode: The Trump Indictment, What It Means and Where it May Lead

Even though Special Counsel Jack Smith’s latest indictment of Donald Trump was expected, it still hit with great force. It…

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Deep State Radio

The Kremlin Explores New Depths of Evil Shitheadery

With Biden’s decision to provide the Ukrainian military with cluster munitions and the Russian government reneging on the grain deal,…

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Deep State Radio

Isn’t Now the Moment to Double Down on Helping Ukraine Defeat Russia?

Russia is showing multiple signs of weakness in its faltering invasion of Ukraine. These are complemented by continuing signs of…

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

Global Risks in the Time of Speaker McCarthy – Full Member Version

While there is chaos in the U.S. House of Representatives, there are real threats looming in the background.  David Rothkopf…

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Deep State Radio

Global Risks in the Time of Speaker McCarthy

While there is chaos in the U.S. House of Representatives, there are real threats looming in the background.  David Rothkopf…

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

What’s it Going to Take to Stop the Fascists – Full Member Version

  A search was carried out of Mar-a-Lago this week and it has upended the usually sleepy August in Washington. …

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Deep State Radio

What’s it Going to Take to Stop the Fascists

  A search was carried out of Mar-a-Lago this week and it has upended the usually sleepy August in Washington. …

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

Should We Be Headed For The Bunker? – Full Membership Version

The war in Ukraine continues to grind on, will anything change the current balance on the ground?  Rosa Brooks of…

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Deep State Radio

Should We Be Headed For The Bunker?

The war in Ukraine continues to grind on, will anything change the current balance on the ground?  Rosa Brooks of…

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

Europe on the Brink – Full Member Episode

Russia seems poised to further invade Ukraine. The Biden administration continues diplomatic efforts to prevent the worst but will it…

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Deep State Radio

Europe on the Brink

Russia seems poised to further invade Ukraine. The Biden administration continues diplomatic efforts to prevent the worst but will it…

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When the President is a Madman How Patriotism and Service are Redefined – Episode Transcript

Note: Transcripts are machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. In the news recently, reports that General Mark Milley…

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Deep State Radio

When the President is a Madman How Patriotism and Service are Redefined

In the news recently, reports that General Mark Milley sought to counsel Chinese leaders in way that might avoid accidental…

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As We Approach the Afghanistan Deadline: Looking Back and Looking Ahead – Episode Transcript

Note: Transcripts are machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. It has been difficult to have a serious, balanced…

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Deep State Radio

As We Approach the Afghanistan Deadline: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

It has been difficult to have a serious, balanced conversation about what the U.S. and this administration has done right…

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Deep State Radio

The Invasion of the Blob People

How much are foreign policy elites responsible for the rise of nationalist, anti-globalist views worldwide? How much is the retreat…

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Max Boot: The Corrosion of Conservatism

Acclaimed author Max Boot has undergone a crisis of conscience since the arrival of Donald Trump. A life-long conservative who grew…

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