Nuclear Weapons

Deep State Radio

90 Seconds to Midnight: The Cogs of the Doomsday Clock

The Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight. But what actually goes into the decision to set the time,…

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Deep State Radio

Keeping Humans in the Nuclear Loop

Are we in danger of the nuclear loop being automated? As nuclear powers grapple with the advent of AI, questions…

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Deep State Radio

Is the Chinese Nuclear Arsenal All Wet?

Recent reports from the DOD include surprising revelations about China’s nuclear arsenal. From components filled with water instead of fuel…

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The DSR Daily for December 22: Mass Shooting Shocks Prague, US To Issue New Sanctions on Russia

On the final DSR Daily of the year, we cover the horrific mass shooting in Prague, a new executive order…

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Deep State Radio

It’s Much Easier Than You Think for a Lunatic President to Blow Up the World

As if there weren’t enough reasons to worry about a second Trump term, Jon has reminded us of another reason…

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Deep State Radio

Peering Through the Nuclear Doom and Gloom

Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have not been shy about their nuclear arsenal. But how worried should we be that…

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

Imagining a Future Without Nukes

From the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the threat of Russia’s nuclear weapons has loomed large. But would Putin…

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Deep State Radio

How Close Are We to Having a Bot With It’s (Virtual) Finger on the Nuclear Button?

Between AI, nuclear weapons, and conflicts around the world, there’s more than enough to be worried about. Fortunately, we have…

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Deep State Radio

Are We Entering a New Nuclear Arms Race?

With Russia conducting an unprecedented nuclear strike drill, China significantly expanding its arsenal, and the US unveiling a new nuclear…

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Deep State Radio

Russian Nuclear Moves and a New Era of Nuclear Danger?

While the wars in Ukraine and Israel have been dominating headlines, there have also been rumblings about an interest in…

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Next in Foreign Policy

Understanding the Nuclear Threat in 2023 with April Arnold

Zoe is joined by arms control and nonproliferation implementation specialist April Arnold this week, fresh from the Aspen Security Forum.…

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The DSR Daily Brief for March 17, 2023

The two hundred fifty-eighth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode: Poland to send four Soviet-era…

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Deep State Radio

It’s 2023 on the Planet Earth, What Could Go Wrong?

The United States faces a wide variety of foreign policy challenges two months into 2023.  David is joined by DSR…

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Deep State Radio

Russia Pulling Out of the New START Treaty Is the Second Worst Nuclear News of the Week

Russia has suspended their participation in New START but are we actually at a greater risk of nuclear war?  David…

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The DSR Daily Brief for February 22, 2023

The two hundred forty-first episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode: Putin suspends Russia’s participation in…

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Deep State Radio

One Year Later in Ukraine We Are, Dare We Say It, Cautiously Optimistic

The war in Ukraine is almost a year old but continues to hold surprises.  David talks about what has shocked…

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Member Briefings

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Thursday, February 2, 2023

Listen to today’s Daily Brief podcast here.

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The DSR Daily Brief for January 13, 2023

The two hundred-fifteenth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode In a first, South Korea declares…

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Full Member Version Podcasts

The DSR Daily Bonus Brief: The Nuclear Posture Review

In this weekend’s bonus brief DSR Daily Brief Hosts Grant Haver and Chris Cotnoir talk with Joe Cirincione, a nuclear…

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The DSR Daily Brief for October 27, 2022

The one hundred and seventieth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode Iran protests: Police fire…

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