Nuclear Weapons

Full Member Version Podcasts

Putin’s Nuclear Threat with guest Joe Cirincione – Full Member Version

Marissa’s special guest is none other than Joe Cirincione, national security analyst and the only person you ever want to…

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Putin’s Nuclear Threat with guest Joe Cirincione

Marissa’s special guest is none other than Joe Cirincione, national security analyst and the only person you ever want to…

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The DSR Daily Brief for September 7, 2022

The one hundred and eighteenth episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories Cited in the Episode Material on foreign nation’s…

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Full Member Version Podcasts

The DSR Daily Bonus Brief: The Iran Nuclear Deal Pt. 2

Part two of this weekend’s bonus briefing where, DSR Daily Brief Hosts Grant Haver and Chris Cotnoir talk with Dr.…

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Full Member Version Podcasts

The DSR Daily Bonus Brief: The Iran Nuclear Deal Pt.1

For this weekend’s bonus briefing, DSR Daily Brief Hosts Grant Haver and Chris Cotnoir talk with Dr. Kamran Bokhari, Director…

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The DSR Daily Brief for April 27, 2022

The forty-third episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories cited in the podcast: Russia to halt gas shipments to Poland…

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The DSR Daily Brief for April 26, 2022

The forty-second episode of the DSR Daily Brief. Stories cited in the podcast: Russia seeks to reduce existing “serious” risks…

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

What if Putin Uses a Nuke? – Full Member Version

With the war in Ukraine going so poorly for Putin, could he be tempted to use nuclear weapons? David Rothkopf…

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Deep State Radio

What if Putin Uses a Nuke?

With the war in Ukraine going so poorly for Putin, could he be tempted to use nuclear weapons? David Rothkopf…

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Deep State Radio - Full Member Version

Trump’s Disastrous Decision to Get Out of the Iran Deal Has Left Us with Only Bad Options – Full Member Episode

Once upon a time, the Israeli government urged the US to get out of the Iran deal. The American president…

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Deep State Radio

Trump’s Disastrous Decision to Get Out of the Iran Deal Has Left Us with Only Bad Options

Once upon a time, the Israeli government urged the US to get out of the Iran deal. The American president…

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How Many Times Over Must We Be Able to Destroy the World to Prove We are Not Wimps? – Episode Transcript

Note: Transcripts are machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. America’s nuclear weapons submarine fleet has the capability to…

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Deep State Radio

How Many Times Over Must We Be Able to Destroy the World to Prove We are Not Wimps?

America’s nuclear weapons submarine fleet has the capability to produce something like 40,000 Hiroshimas.  But it is just one leg…

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