Saudi Arabia

Member Briefings

The DSR Daily Brief Newsletter – Friday, April 29, 2022

The Ukraine Daily Brief is now ‘The DSR Daily Brief.’ Please be sure to rate and review. (We know that…

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Not an Enemy, Not Quite an Ally: America’s Reset with Saudi Arabia…and the Middle East – Episode Transcript

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Last week, the Biden Administration released the official…

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Not an Enemy, Not Quite an Ally: America\’s Reset with Saudi Arabia…and the Middle East – Episode Transcript

Note: This transcript is machine generated and lightly edited for speaker names. Last week, the Biden Administration released the official…

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Deep State Radio

Not an Enemy, Not Quite an Ally: America’s Reset with Saudi Arabia…and the Middle East

Last week, the Biden Administration released the official conclusion that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was behind the brutal…

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Deep State Radio

Bribing your way into the global elite

In this episode of Deep State Radio, David Rothkopf remains in an undisclosed location, and Rosa Brooks —  the Mike…

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DSR Daily: China passes foreign investment law, N Korea threatens to exit talks with “gangster-like” US

Dear Reader, Thank you very much for your support of The DSR Network.  We are extremely appreciative! Today will be…

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Deep State Daily: British MPs Block No-Deal Brexit, China Offers to Help Venezuela Restore Power

Stories We’re Watching British Lawmakers Block No-deal Brexit British lawmakers voted earlier today to block a no-deal Brexit. The vote…

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US Evacuates Embassy Staff in Venezuela, Commons Rejects May’s Brexit Deal (again)

Stories We’re Watching White House Proposes $4.7 Trillion Budget for Fiscal 2020 Yesterday, the Trump administration released a record-breaking $4.7…

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Deep State Daily: Venezuela blackout continues, Macron launches East Africa tour

Stories We’re Watching Germany Refuses to Ban Huawei 5G equipment German telecommunications regulator Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) has published new regulations which…

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Learning Power Quick, what is Apple’s number one app? Hint: it’s not Twitter, Gmail, Instagram, or even Tinder. It’s actually…

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Deep State Daily: Huawei sues US government, Manafort sentenced

Stories We’re Watching Huawei Sues the US Government over ‘Unconstitutional’ Equipment Ban The world’s largest telecom equipment manufacturer Huawei has…

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Deep State Daily: N Korea rebuilds missile launch site, Guaido calls for massive public sector strikes

Stories We’re Watching Brexit: EU & UK Negotiators at Impasse Over Customs Union & Backstop EU-UK talks collapsed earlier today,…

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Deep State Radio

Time for a Time Out from the Saudis?

Jared Kushner is in charge of the US relations with the Saudis (among others).  How’s that working for us?  Is…

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Deep State Daily: Trump & Kim in Vietnam for 2nd summit, House votes to overturn Trump’s national emergency

Stories We’re Watching Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif Announces Resignation on Instagram #iResign #lol Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced…

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Deep State Daily: Trump & Kim in Vietnam for 2nd summit, House votes to overturn Trump\’s national emergency

Stories We\’re Watching Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif Announces Resignation on Instagram #iResign #lol Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced…

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Deep State Daily: Iran launches naval war games, 200 US troops to remain in Syria

Stories We’re Watching MBS Gets a GOLD SUBMACHINE GUN on Spending Spree in Pakistan, India, & China  Saudi Crown Prince…

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Deep State Daily: Turkey to buy Russian Missiles, Congress Investigates US-Saudi Nuclear Deal

Stories We’re Watching Putin Delivers State-of-the-nation Address, Threatens US over EU Missile Deployment Yesterday, President Putin threatened the US with…

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Deep State Daily: MPs reject May’s Brexit strategy, Judge rules Manafort lied to investigators

Stories We’re Watching Turkey, Iran, & Russia Meet in Sochi Earlier today, Presidents Putin, Erdogan, and Rouhani met in Sochi…

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Deep State Daily: Whitaker testifies to Congress, Trump says Xi meeting unlikely

Stories We’re Watching *Reporter: What do you think about the investigations against the Trump family business? *Ivanka: “Mueller? I don’t…

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Deep State Daily: Macedonia joins NATO, Saudi wants Russia to join OPEC

Stories We’re Watching In his own words. . .  National Security and Foreign Policy Highlights from SOTU On North Korea,…

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